Doral and Supersons are launching a program to promote women in the energy market

by time news

Recently, a camp camp in the field of energy and climate was held at Bar Ilan University, in which about 35 entrepreneurs took part. They heard lectures from various ecosystem experts – most of them men – took part in the workshops and finally presented a series of solutions to energy and sustainability challenges to a panel of judges, which included industry executives, all men.

This event is not unusual in this, but reflects the reality: there are more than 300 energy companies operating in Israel today, but it is difficult to find senior executives in the field, and in fact it is not steeped in middle-class women either. Data show that only 1.3% of energy start-ups in the country are run by women, and they are also absent from other senior positions in the industry (against this exceptional background is Dr. Yulia Gercikov, the chief chemist in the BZN group, who also participated in bootcamp).

The renewable energy company Doral and the Supersons organization for the promotion of gender equality have decided to take action, and are now launching the “Energy Managers” program to reduce gender gaps and increase the low number of senior executives in the energy market.

The new program addresses women in management positions in the energy market, who aspire to advance and develop into positions such as CEOs and board members. It will include workshops, lectures and activities to strengthen participants’ personal sense of competence, acquire managerial tools, and mental training on a variety of topics.

The launch event was attended by Yaki Neumann, CEO of the Doral Energy Group, Michal Weiss Navon, VP of Investor Relations, Company Secretary and Director of Corporate Responsibility of Doral, Liat Shaked, CEO of Supersons and Hannah Redo, President of Supersons and Chairman of the Tishara Group.

“The fact that 100 women signed up for the launch meeting of the program proves that there is no excuse for the fact that there are no more CEOs in energy companies in Israel, and for the fact that at least 50% do not speak at energy conferences. We came to change reality, and thanks to this program and the women who want, are suitable and talented, we will succeed in change. “

Right: Erel Margalit, Founder and Chairman of the JVP Foundation and Margalit Startup City, Rika Fabrizio Minister of Globalization of the Piedmont Province, Dario Pierona, President of the Piedmont Investment Agency

The business line between Piedmont and Jerusalem

The province of Piedmont, one of the richest provinces of Italy, is developing an economic representation in Israel for the first time – in Erel Margalit’s innovation complex in Jerusalem. As part of the move, Margalit, JVP chairman, and Dario Pierona, president of the Piedmont Province Investment Agency, signed a cooperation agreement that will focus on accelerating technological and business activity between the two countries, and connecting Israeli start-ups to the leading companies in the northern Italian province.

Discussions to open the mission began in 2018. The collaboration will now allow companies from both countries access to the ecosystem operating in Margalit Startup City’s innovation centers – which combine local and international strategic partnerships, including the Podtech Center in the Galilee, the Digital Health Center in Haifa, the FinTech Center in Tel Aviv and the International Cyber ​​Center in New York.

The province of Piedmont plays a significant role in the Italian economy, and includes the chocolate company Ferrero, the communications company Olivetti, the representations of L’Oreal and Collins Aerospace and more. The area also has four universities, 200 research and development centers and seven technological innovation centers.

Piedmont’s investment agency is the public body responsible for the region’s international relations, and works with Italian companies at various stages. In recent years it has focused on the areas of climate, food technology, space technologies and automotive.

“The determination of the Piedmont stake in Jerusalem is a significant milestone in the economic connection between the two countries,” says Margalit. “This is an area that has been blessed with economic resources, strong international companies operating in it, rich agriculture, and significant technological activity, so it is a natural partner for us.”

According to Dario Pierona, President of the Piedmont Investment Agency, “Thanks to the agreement, we are starting a partnership with the JVP venture capital fund, which will encourage investments by Israeli high-tech companies in the Piedmont region.” With key Israeli players, such as IAI, Rafael and Elbit. “

The golden parachute

The accounting and consulting firm PwC Israel has 12 new partners and partners, joining the existing 65. The control group was appointed Keren Shlomo, Shani Ohayon, Sivan Ezra, Tal Gini, Idan Shechan-Tov, Dudu Elmaleh, Aviran Dellal, Avi Danos andLior Flexer. The tax group was appointed Roi Hershkovitz, Shlomit Doula andAlon ruled.

CPA Uri Bar-Haim Appointed CFO of the Barel Construction Initiative Group. Eyal Mordi Appointed VP of Execution.

Amitai Cohen Appointed Head of Data in the Finance and Analytics Division of the Yael Group.

Tomer Srolevich Appointed Chief Business Officer of Razor Labs, which develops artificial intelligence products to improve manufacturing processes in traditional industries.

Natalie Reichman34, has been appointed VP of Sales and Preservation at an accounting company from the Kav Mincha Group.

Maya Schwartz Appointed CEO of the High-Tech Association of the Manufacturers Association.

good news

Alut and Aroma Espresso Bar are collaborating to raise awareness of autism: All the chain’s branches are painted blue, the international color that symbolizes autism, from the beverage caps to the screens that screen videos on the subject.

The move is intended to raise public awareness of the struggles the children are experiencing on the continuum during summer vacation, which includes a sense of loneliness and social disconnection.

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