Dorothée Sossa makes promises to Beninese

by time news

2023-06-09 01:23:52

Views: 73

The new President of the Constitutional Court of the 7th mandate, Professor Cossi Dorothée Sossa officially took office on Wednesday, June 07, 2023 at the institution’s headquarters in Cotonou. It was through an official induction ceremony which coincides with the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Constitutional Court. The day after the swearing in of the new sages of the Constitutional Court before the President of the Republic, Patrice Talon and the office of the National Assembly, the new President elected for this 7th term of office, took from the hands of his predecessor, Razaki Amouda Issifou, the gavel and proceeded to sign the documents relating to the handing over of charges.

During this ceremony, the Secretary General of the Constitutional Court, Gilles Badet gave a positive assessment of the activities carried out throughout the 6th term of office led by Joseph Dogbénou and Razaki Amouda Issifou. Remarks confirmed by the outgoing president who listed the key actions carried out during the five years spent at the high court. Opportunity was thus given to the incoming President to deliver his speech in which he first made a nod to the first term chaired by Elisabeth Pognon. According to him, this first team that led the high court paved the way for modern Beninese constitutionalism and made the court accepted and loved. After greeting the 6th mandate for his numerous actions for the fairness of justice in Benin, the new president promised the authorities at various levels that he and his team will continue to “keep the flame of Beninese constitutionalism burning, that is to say to to be at the same time, the last bastion of citizens who think that their rights are flouted by the public authorities or by other individuals, the impartial arbiter of the regulation of the functioning of the institutions and the activity of the public authorities, the guarantor of the purity of the legal order, the certifier of the popular choice of national political leaders”.

Here is an extract from the speech of Professor Cossi Dorothée Sossa, new President of the Constitutional Court

“……I would first of all like to note that this day, Wednesday, June 07, 2023 is the day marking the 30th anniversary of the installation of the first mandate of the high jurisdiction under the presidency of Mrs. Elisabeth POGNON. As you know, we are all forever indebted to this legendary team for having paved the way for modern Beninese constitutionalism and for having the jurisdiction that achieves it accepted and loved by our compatriots. Consequently, it seems to me that each and every one of us should have this fabulous story as well as those who made it possible.

You would then like to allow me to pay a strong tribute to the outgoing team of the high court which, under the successive authority of Presidents Joseph Fifamin DJOGBENOU and Razaki AMOUDA ISSIFOU, fulfilled its mission for five years. You were able with dignity and dedication to defend the fundamental values ​​retained by the sovereign people in the constitution of December 11, 1990. Everyone here remembers what the day after the national conference, the people of Benin affirmed in the supreme text of our country, its determination to create a rule of law and pluralist democracy in which fundamental human rights, public freedoms, the dignity of the human person and justice are guaranteed, protected and promoted as the necessary condition for development true and harmonious of each Beninese in its temporal, cultural and spiritual dimension.

For five years, you have been the active and vigilant guardians of this promise that the people of Benin made to themselves. You knew how to concretize it by small strong touches, hearings after hearings, deliberations after deliberations, decisions after decisions by giving the best of yourself. Be sincerely and warmly congratulated and thanked.

My third moment of gratitude is directed to the incoming councilors who have kindly honored me with their precious confidence by giving me the reins of our venerable institution. I would like to tell you forcefully how much this confidence obliges me and will oblige me, every day, throughout the years during which I will exercise this function.

What my colleagues and I can and should affirm here and now, before all of you, authorities at various levels, relatives and friends, is to continue to keep the flame of Beninese constitutionalism burning, that is to say to to be at the same time, the last bastion of citizens who believe that their rights are flouted by the public authorities or by other individuals, the impartial arbiter of the regulation of the functioning of the institutions and the activity of the public authorities, the guarantor of the purity of the legal order, the certifier of the popular choice of national political leaders. To achieve this, we hope to count on the commitment of the administrative and technical staff, to all of you: lawyers, administrators, financiers, secretaries, computer specialists, drivers, soldiers, non-commissioned officers, officers, agents of all kinds, I give the assurance that as long as professionalism, efficiency and discretion, and the achievement of results are your credos, you will find in my person, a fierce defender of your interests and the perfect guardian of your legitimate aspirations. We will have the opportunity to get to know each other better, to collaborate in the full sense of the term and to bring the satisfaction legitimately expected by the people of Benin. It is together with scientific means, such as the Court’s journals, modern means such as the digitization of procedures and results-based management that we will meet the challenges facing our institution.

On the other hand, and as you certainly know, whether at the Conference of African Constitutional Jurisdictions, the Association of French-speaking Constitutional Courts, the Association of French-speaking High Jurisdictions or the Venice Commission, our predecessors have installed the Constitutional Court of Benin in an envied place in the concert of respected constitutional courts.

We will work carefully to preserve this precious asset which positively reflects the image of our country as well as that of the quality of these lawyers.

Mr. outgoing President, Madam and Gentlemen outgoing Councillors!

Be convinced that, like your term of office, which has been able to pay tribute to previous terms of office, we will not fail to come and draw from the source of your experience whenever the need arises, especially since truly, the new cord is woven at the end of the old one.

I could not end without welcoming the presence of many personalities and authorities, that of many relatives and friends who were kind enough to make the trip this morning to support us and enhance the brilliance of the symbolism of this ceremony. My colleagues and I are grateful to you”.

Long live the Constitutional Court

Long live the Republic of Benin

Thank you

#Dorothée #Sossa #promises #Beninese

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