double crossing of artists at the Nashira Gallery-

by time news

In the Milanese gallery Andreas Zampella and Mariella Bettineschi confront each other in a project that “summarizes” (in an original way) the creative path of both

A breakfast with the artists and two personal exhibitions:
Where birds are born
by Andreas Zampella e
The Later Era and Other Stories
by Mariella Bettineschi. This is the formula of the new project by Nashira Gallery in Milan (via Vincenzo Monti 21, entitled
and created in collaboration with z2o Sara Zanin. April 15 (from 9.30 to 12) the two artists will therefore physically confront each other (with the visitors and with each other), in a project that wants to cross people, ideas, inspirations, works of art in an unprecedented way.

On the other hand, one of the objectives of Nashira, a gallery born from the idea of ​​Ludovica Bifulco, is to bring together and create a dialogue between the works of the 54 Collection, an important private art collection, with the works of promising young art Contemporary. A welcoming space, familiar and open to all, «where in addition to admiring and getting to know the beauty of art up close, one can feel at home and meet new emerging artists who, for the occasion, will be held by the hand by the greats». A purpose that already emerges from the very name of the gallery (Nashira) which is that of a star of Capricorn, the guiding sign of the gallery, whose meaning in Arabic is «Bearer of Good News».

On the one hand Zampella (1989) «tells» with the exhibition
Where birds are born
“how in each of us birds nest, thoughts and how every now and then you can meet someone who manages to give life to these thoughts” (precisely on the occasion of the opening of Crossings e you Miart 2023
the catalog is also presented). Bettineschi’s exhibition (1948), on the other hand, takes its cue from the series
The next era
(launched in 2008 and still ongoing) published in the catalog by Electa in 2019 and in a backward journey that embraces the artist’s production in the 1980s con i Softi Piumari not moltingpassing through the series of
(1994), the embroideries
New stories
(2020), up to the unreleased series of
(2018) and more recent works, dated 2022. The two exhibitions will be open from 15 April to 15 May, from Wednesday to Friday, from 4 to 7.30 pm (Saturday by appointment).

April 13, 2023 (change April 13, 2023 | 17:27)

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