Doubts and disenchantment: the first effects of the DNU in the health sector

by time news

2023-12-23 04:55:00

While the countdown runs for the start of the validity of the DNU of deregulation, the health sector is shaking. It will become one of the areas most affected by the eventual changes that will range from the liberalization of prices for health services to significant changes in the way medicines are marketed, the end of traditional prescriptions and great developments in pharmacies, its format and responsibilities.

The weight of the reviews There are many: from the prepaid companies sector itself that proposes sitting down to agree on their next increases, to sectors of the Frente de Todos as Nicolás Kreplakhealth minister of the province of Buenos Aires, who published a long hilo in the X network with its posture. Basically, Kreplak assures that the DNU “is a true recoiland run over provocative, violent and undemocratic. The construction of a system that guarantees more and better health must be integrated among all subsectors. This (the DNU) breaks the social system, harms the population and benefits companies.”

The Argentine Pharmaceutical Confederation (CoFa) didn’t mess around either. According to his statement, “this measure puts the health of the population at risk and everyone’s access to medicines.” And he clarifies that, if there are no changes, “the free sale of medicines will be enabled on public roads, kiosks and other businesses; interpreting that an over-the-counter medicine is not a medicine, that is, a pharmaceutical product that must respect proper maintenance and storage conditions, and whose administration responds to that of any other medicine, which, consumed in inappropriate doses, can cause very serious consequences to health of people (common medications misused or poorly stored can cause gastric bleeding, for example, poisoning or serious interactions).

“Although some measures are positive, they have a biased vision, which does not observe a comprehensive model”

He adds that “any person without a qualifying title can be in charge of the pharmacy. That is there will not be a professional to guarantee the quality, origin and safety of the medications that are dispensed.”

For your part Ruben Torresdirector of Health Policies and public health at the Institute of Health Policy, Economics and Management (Ipegs), carried out a complete analysis of the parts of the DNU that refer to health issues. This work is summarized in the following: the announced measures no They imply a sectoral reform, but a mere opening to the private sector, from a full deregulation, on the assumption that it will be the market that finally orders the fragmentation and segmentation of the system. “But,” he added, “there is an absence of direction which in terms of health are equity and solidarity, both central conditions for freedom.”

Five Argentine public hospitals, among the best in Latin America

The expert stated that “an attempt is made reduce intermediation, which is positivebut they remain doubts Regarding the impact of the measures: do they tend to improve efficiency, reduce transaction costs, will they improve patients’ accessibility to medical care?

In addition, he recalled that the proposed regulations do not include provincial or university social works, special rights, or the National Institute of Retirees and Pensioners. Perhaps the most complex thing is that it does not refer to details of the guarantee of universal access (what is detailed in the PMO) for those who have no other coverage than public coverage, nor to improvements in universal health programs (Remediar, SUMAR, etc.). “In short,” his analysis concludes, “although some of the measures are positive“It seems like a partial, biased vision that does not observe a comprehensive model.”

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