down the infections but now the most affected are the very young

by time news

Covid infections are decreasing in Italy, with a reduction in the current positives ranging between 26 and 30% while the number of negatives is 70-74%. This is what emerges from a study conducted by the Artemisia Lab Network. Data which – the research highlights – are also directly proportional to a reduction in the requests for molecular tests.

“One might therefore think – the experts ask – of the entry into a new phase of the endemic, perhaps a last phase before categorizing SARS CoV-2 as a normal flu”? Meanwhile, “the epidemiological curve in Italy is making a reversal, with a greater circulation of Sars CoV-2 among the very young 0-20 years” and “the explanation – it reads – could be the lightness of the latter in respecting the classic rules of distancing and individual protection, followed by a better adaptation of the virus. In fact, an epidemiological study conducted by our Molecular Biology department – highlights Artemisia Lab – has shown how the positivity rate is ‘shifted’ from subjects between 35- 50 years to the very young, with a percentage that is close to 43% between 3 and 25 years, compared to the 25-50 age group which is about 30% and over 50 about 27% “.

Viruses adapt by implementing molecular escape mechanisms

“We must therefore not underestimate – the researchers remark – that Sars CoV-2 does not choose to mutate, but due to statistical probability it tends to adapt by inducing the formation of new mutated strains even under the pressure of vaccines by implementing molecular escape mechanisms. in our laboratories we are starting studies, drawing from the mass of articles existing in scientific literature, on how the variants of Sars-CoV 2 behave in human cell lines and especially if these induce greater cell death or an increase in toxic metabolites by activating particular molecular pathways “.

“Obviously – the experts warn – the population must be cautious in anticipation of any variants and in particular of the new sub-variant BA.2 of Omicron, already sequenced in samples of 9 regions, but still under study. It should also be taken into consideration. and to study – suggest the researchers of Artemisia – the long-term effects of Sars-CoV-2 and its variants, evaluating their social impact and how this can affect both psychically and physically, and above all raise awareness among the population to turn to structures that offer services that help patients in rehabilitation from the disease “.

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