“Dr. Anan” cautioned against H5N1 avian influenza after finding Cambodian children became sick before their deaths.

by time news

Dr. Anant Chongkaewwatana, Director of Animal Health Innovation Research Group and Management Biotech-NSTDA. The Facebook post reads, “A report from Cambodia’s Ministry of Health yesterday found a case of an 11-year-old girl who died from H5N1 avian influenza.

this girl He became ill on February 16 with high fever, cough and sore throat after being treated at a local hospital. then the symptoms do not improve Have unusual shortness of breath Before being sent for further treatment at the National Children’s Hospital in Phnom Penh on February 21.

The doctor sent the sample for examination. And the results came out the next day and found that it was H5N1 avian influenza and the patient died.

During H5N1 outbreaks in many mammals and in many areas, Animal-to-human infection in regions close to Thailand So it’s something that you have to be very careful with. Infection has improved in mammals. Personally, I’m worried about the pigs. This is because pigs are well-infected organisms with influenza viruses and can be a source of new virus strains. Like the 2009 influenza case, it also passed from swine to human.”

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