Dr. Anan reveals 3 reasons for being addicted to COVID, the risk of developing diabetes increases.

by time news

Dr. Anan Chongkaewwittaya, a researcher in virology reveals 3 reasons that indicate that people infected with COVID have a higher chance of developing diabetes.

From the case, doctors and researchers Came out to warn about being infected with COVID 19, there is a chance of diabetes in a period of 1 year and revealing that no matter how hard it is at first, the disease will still occur Warning not to stick to the best.

Most recently, today (Dec. 11), Dr. Anan Chongkaew Wittaya, researcher in virology Biotech-NSTDA. Came out to post a message to open 3 reasons for being “addicted to COVID”, risking diabetes by referring to the message that

“COVID and diabetes are still subjects that still need to be researched quite a bit. Evidence is clear that the risk of diabetes is much higher with COVID. But the cause of the increase is still a hypothesis that needs to be proven further. An article in Nature Metabolism summarizes three possible causes that COVID may increase diabetes in people, each of which may occur simultaneously. can cause diabetes symptoms after being infected with COVID

1. The virus directly enters the beta cells in the pancreas. The beta cells play an important role in the production of the hormone insulin. to control blood sugar levels When beta cells are disturbed by viral infection May result in cells being destroyed by the virus or causing less insulin to be released.

2. The virus infects fat cells (Adipocytes) which are the components of adipose tissue. As a result, the cells produce less of a protein called adipopectin, which plays a key role in glucose regulation and fatty acid breakdown. A decrease in adipopectin results in a decreased insulin response. ..simple words Take less blood sugar.

3. The virus infects other cells. especially liver cells This causes cells to produce a protein called GP73, which this protein has the effect of stimulating liver cells to produce more glucose and release it into the bloodstream.

Controlling and preventing the incidence of diabetes in COVID patients. There seem to be many dimensions that need to be researched in depth.”

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