‘Dr. Anan’ reveals that monkey pox is resistant to all conditions. Point out that the patient’s clothes can last for a year, suggesting clear communication for all genders

by time news

‘Dr. Anan’ reveals that monkey pox is resistant to all conditions. Point out that the patient’s clothes can last for a year, suggesting clear communication for all genders

On July 31st, Dr. Anan Chongkaewwatana, Research Director of the Animal Health Innovation and Management Group, Biotech, NSTDA, and Asst. Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University Post messages via facebook About the monkey pox infection, stating that the incident took place in Spain. Suspicious patients get on the subway. when asked to go into quarantine But he refused, claiming that The doctor who took care of him said that “Monkey pox is found only in gay men.” It seems that communication problems are a very important problem. Monkey pox can infect anyone and the person who is infected has nothing to do with their sexual orientation…must be communicated as clearly as possible.

However, Dr. Anan previously posted a message saying There is no direct information on the ability of the monkey pox virus to stabilize in the environment. However, information on the Poxvirus family that is commonly referred to by international health agencies is from an article published in 2007 in the Poxviruses textbook.

The document describes the virus’s ability to withstand environmental conditions.

1. Poxvirus is highly resistant to humidity-free conditions. Even if it is in a dry state, sticks to the patient’s personal items such as clothes, sheets, towels well and for a long time (in the article, the word level is used for years).

2. The virus stays well at room temperature, and the colder the temperature, the more durable the virus will be. The virus can survive at 4°C in the refrigerator for up to 35 weeks without becoming infected.

3. Viruses that come out directly from the patient, i.e. intracellular or secretory, tend to be more durable than those isolated from laboratory cultured cells.

4. Compared to viruses in general, Poxvirus is more resistant to heat. Heat resistance properties may vary from virus to type and it is possible that exposure to extreme heat, such as extremely hot water for a short enough time, may not destroy all viruses.

What chemicals can deal with viruses are listed in the table. Focus on the amount of time it takes to get in contact with the infection, for example, alcohol must be at least 10 minutes.

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