Dr. Bashir Omar, the renaissance of Sudan, and Dr. Hamdok as head of the civil state (5-10)

by time news

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Among the sayings of the Sheikh of the fighters, the late leader Ali Mahmoud Hassanein: ((If they asked an old man, he spent an entire life in the struggle. Civilians should form a complete civil government and notify the military council and the world of that in the sit-in field)) and ((When the Sudanese people revolted mainly in their glorious revolution in December 2018 AD has clear and specific goals, which are the overthrow of the Salvation Army, holding all its symbols accountable, liquidating the regime, and handing over power to civil activists. These are the main goals of the revolution – junior officers, officers, soldiers, and men sided with the Sudanese people and defended the protesters in the face of the unjust attacks launched by the security forces and the remnants of the National Congress. In the last stage, the seniors sided. The officers are for the Sudanese people and they said that they are biased towards the revolution, and whoever sides with the revolution must side with its principles and goals, and at the top of its objectives is the handover of power to a full civil authority.But the military council does not want to hand over power, especially at the presidential level, and this is contrary to the directions of the revolution, and this is not considered bias, but rather a coup and adherence

The military council’s hold on to power at the head of the state is considered a coup. The military coup is rejected by the masses and internationally, and it must be fought until power is returned to civilians….))

And we take forward an initiative to resolve the Sudanese crisis away from political conflicts and tensions by nominating Dr. Abdallah Hamdouk as head of the civil state. You have my best regards and best regards. You have been chosen and nominated on my initiative to be among those who help direct the next stage, and we would like your active national participation. You are the great hope when you guide them. Engagement on the homeland, and you are the lifeline that necks reach for everyone to cling to, and the homelands are built with the arms of its sons. And Dr. Bashir Omar as prime minister, as he put forward in the national initiative, and the revolutionaries must prepare for serious and positive work in the next stage. Sustainable development, progress and development is linked to the active participation and positive action of all segments of society and all its various and disparate components. And the country is being led by some to the abyss, as far as they know, by betraying the great homeland, hoping for narrow self-interest, or not knowing, out of ignorance of the fate of their practices and what they contain, which become real disasters. And the owners of the honorable history, and they are the active forces that, if they perform their duty towards the homeland, will change the course of Sudan’s history, otherwise it will be lost The country with all its resources and wealth.

Most of the Sudanese people seek to establish the foundations of a modern, democratic, civil state, based on the principle of citizenship, which does not classify a person on the basis of color, creed, race, side, language, religion, gender, sect, sect, tribe, or others. God Almighty said: (O people, we created you from the remembrance and a female, and we have made you peoples and tribes, so that you will be known to you. preferred

An Arab over a non-Arab, and a non-Arab over an Arab, and a red over a black, and a black over a red, except with piety. They said: Yes, O Messenger of God. He said: Then the absent witness will be informed.

Some tickle the feelings and emotions of the public by saying that the civil state is against religion, and this is pure slander, malice, deceit, deliberate misleading, and outright lies. In fact, the civil state guarantees public freedoms and preserves human dignity, which the true religion of Islam calls for.

In a civil state, the ruler and the ruled are equal before the law. What was reported on the authority of Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah: “The people did not dispute that the consequence of injustice is dire, and the consequence of justice is generous, and for this reason he says: God supports the just state even if it is infidel, and does not support the unjust state, even if it is a believer.”. Definition and meaning of civil as received In the comprehensive dictionary of meanings:

Al-Madaniyyah: The material side of civilization, such as urbanization, means of communication and entertainment, is matched by the intellectual, spiritual and moral side of civilization.

Civil rights: (the law) The law authorizes it for all residents of the state, and it is more comprehensive than the political rights related to the choice of the ruler. It is also distinguished from natural rights in that it has a legal value in addition to its ideal philosophical value. Civil rights are relative, not absolute, and their conditions adapt to time and place.


Civic education: An education that relies on the civic spirit and community values, while recognizing the freedom of thought, belief, and expression of opinion.

Civil liberties: (the law) gives the individual the right to express his opinion and thought openly and clearly, as well as

Freedom to choose the profession he wants to practice, freedom to join voluntary associations, and freedom of worship.

Civil Society: Institutions Society that is independent of the authority of the state and whose relations are based on a voluntary, voluntary bond, such as trade unions, parties, civil associations, and human rights organizations.

Secularism and the suffix ism is of Latin origin ismus. It relates to beliefs and philosophies that have nothing to do with science and justice. It is extremist and imposes a single law in which everyone is equal without taking into account the rights of the majority, such as the one who equates between good and bad. Secularism is a natural result and reaction to the crimes of the clergy in the church in the dark ages and indulgences. And the exploitation of religion for the sake of power and influence, and atrocities were committed against scholars and intellectuals, and therefore secularism is completely against religion, as it is an extremist dictatorship that fights religion, values, and society, even if some wanted to dress it in the pure civil dress to hide its badness, and secularism is practiced in many backward countries that are ruled by dictatorial governments, where there is no difference Between the secularists and those who are hostile to the civil state in the name of Islam and generalize some anomalies and deviant behaviors from some atheists and deviants and attach them to the civil, democratic state that takes into account human rights

Minority rights without prejudice to the rights of others and based on the peaceful transfer of power through elections.

# Homelands are built with the help of its builders, and the homeland can accommodate everyone #

#correct gear#

# #Ongoing revolution

## The revolution is a revolution of awareness

#The revolution must win#

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