Dr. Elrai-Price: “Polio Can Cause Irreversible Damage to Unvaccinated Children”

by time news

Following the polio case, the head of the public health services, Dr. Sharon Elrai-Price, held a briefing for the ultra-Orthodox media and warned of the risk of not being vaccinated. “70-80 percent of those infected will not suffer from symptoms, but there is a situation where the virus penetrates the bloodstream to the nervous system and can in a percentage of cases cause neurological symptoms of paralysis, weakness, and can even damage the respiratory muscles to the point of respiratory assistance.”

The head of the health service added that “the virus is preventable. The vaccine can be given and is very effective and safe. The vaccine is based on a killed virus to protect the people who get it – but in order to eradicate polio, a combination of live attenuated vaccine is needed. The children first receive the vaccine from the killed virus and only then the attenuated live vaccine.

“The purpose of the attenuated live vaccine is to produce antibodies in the digestive tract so that they can not be carriers of the virus and infect others. The killed vaccine protects against the virus, and the animal protects against the transmission of the virus.”

Dr. Elrai-Price told reporters that “in 2005 it was decided to stop giving the attenuated live vaccine after they came to the conclusion that they had managed to eradicate the polio virus, however in 2013 the polio virus was identified in the south and it was decided to do a 2-drop operation. In 2014, it was decided to return the attenuated live and killed vaccine that has always been part of the vaccination program in Israel. “

Dr. Elrai Price expanded on the various monitoring methods in Israel, one through the sewage system and the other through the doctors, noting that “recently a polio virus has been identified in the sewage and we see it recurring at several points and we believe the virus is already circulating in the Jerusalem area.”

Here Dr. Elrai-Price went on to refer to a case found in recent days and said: We do not specify the sex of the patient but for convenience say a child about 4 years old is not vaccinated, came to the pediatrician two weeks ago with symptoms of lower body weakness and falls. Samples – The first was negative for polio, but repeated samples found a positive sample for polio and were defined as verified for polio.

“In polio, the clinical cases are the tip of the iceberg,” stressed Elrai-Price. “When there is someone who expresses symptoms, it means that there are dozens and hundreds of others who already have the virus. When a child is identified with a neurological symptom, it is the tip of the iceberg and more must be sought.

Last night we received confirmation of the diagnosis, we opened an epidemiological investigation, contact was made with the gene and the factors. We sent a letter to the medical directors at the HMOs, informing them that there was a case and drawing their attention to being vigilant.

According to Elrai-Price: “The epidemiological investigation revealed that there are ten contacts that are considered close within the family, and another twenty children and staff in the kindergarten. The investigation in front of the family is in processes such as fecal samples, “.

The head of the public health services noted that “irreversible damage may be caused to the infected, children and adults. Children who have not been vaccinated, it is recommended to get vaccinated. Even in schools – this is the moment to get vaccinated” she pleaded.

However, Elrai-Price asked to reassure the public, noting that “due to confidentiality, it is not possible to specify, but at the moment what can still be said, is that the virus was detected in sewage only in the Jerusalem area and not elsewhere. We will increase sewage monitoring throughout the country, especially in Jerusalem “To locate more accurately, the area.”

She noted that in the milk drops the Ministry of Health is quick to assist with additional manpower to boost the queue and to extend the hours of operation beyond the ordinary as well. “Right now we are building a plan that will address this.” Dr. Elrai asked the ultra-Orthodox reporters to assist in disseminating the information and necessity of immunization in order to reach all sectors of the ultra-Orthodox population.

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