Dr. Theerawat reveals the New England report. 98% of monkeypox cases are gay

by time news

Dr. Theerawat reveals the New England report. 98% of monkeypox cases are gay

On July 28, Prof. Dr. Thirawat Hemajutha, Head of the Emerging Disease Health Sciences Center Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University As reported in the New England Journal on July 21, 2022, 528 cases of monkeypox were infected between April 27 and April 20, 2022. June 24: In 16 countries, 98% are gay or bisexual, with an average age of 38, and 41 percent are co-infected with HIV, while 95 percent of transmission is likely to occur during having sex Of the patients, 95% had a skin rash, 64% had a skin rash of less than 10, 73% was found on the anus and genitals, 41% was on mucous membranes, of which 54 had a blistering rash. on the genitals in one position The most frequent symptoms before the rash appeared were fever, which was found in 62%, drowsiness, 41%, muscle aches, 31%, headaches, 27%, enlarged lymph nodes, 56%, and other sexually transmitted diseases. Relationships in 109 of 377 cases, or 29 percent.

Based on the relatively clear history of the 23 cases, the incubation period was approximately 7 days, between 3 and 20 days. Virus DNA was found in 29 semen. Of the 32 cases, 5% of the patients were on antiretroviral therapy. There are 13 percent of patients who have to stay in the hospital (hospital), representing 70 cases. Hospital due to severe pain and rash in the anus and genital organs, 21 cases, recurrent tissue infections, 18 cases, pharyngitis causing difficulty in eating, 5 cases, eye disorders, 2 cases, neurological symptoms Two kidneys, two myocarditis, and 13 were for disease control. No one died.

Smallpox 2022 (reported in the New England Journal on July 21) reported 528 infections between April 27 and June 24 in 16 countries, 98 percent of whom were gay or bisexual.
The mean age was 38 years, 41% had HIV co-transmission, 95% likely occurred while having sex.
Skin rash, seen in 95% and 64% of patients, skin rash, number less than 10.

73% were found on the anus and genitals, 41% were in mucous membranes, of which 54 had a single genital blister, the most common symptom prior to the onset of rash was fever, 62% were present. 41 % Myalgia 31%
and headache 27%, enlarged lymph nodes were found. 56% and other STDs were found in 109 of 377, or 29%. A relatively clear history of 23 cases showed an incubation period of about seven days, between three and 20 days. DNA was found. Of the virus in semen, 29 of 32 cases, 5% of patients received antiretroviral therapy, of which 13% were hospitalized for 70 cases. The reason for hospitalization was due to severe pain in the rash in the area. 21 cases of rectum and genital organs, 18 cases of recurrent tissue infections, sepsis of the throat made it difficult to eat, five of them. Two eye abnormalities, two kidney symptoms.
Two myocardial infarctions and 13 were for disease control. None of them died.

Read all details In the data journal, paraphrased from abstracts, pictures from the same journal.

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