Dr. Thira reveals the results of a Spanish study indicating that PM2.5 is related to immunity after vaccination!

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Dr. Teera updates information about COVID-19 To Ng, the results of the Fierce Bull study showed that PM2.5 was related to the level of immunity after vaccination, revealing that the WHO still said that the COVID virus continued to mutate unsteadily!

06 Apr. 2023 – Assoc. Chulalongkorn University A Facebook post about the situation of COVID-19 on April 6, 2023 said that yesterday, around the world, 57,674 more people were infected, 194 more deaths, a total of 684,340,314 people, and a total of 6,834,080 deaths. The top 5 most infected people are South Korea, France, Japan, Russia and the United States.

As of yesterday, in the number of new infections, countries from Europe and Asia occupied seven of the top 10 and 16 of the top 20 globally. The number of new infections per day around the world right now from Asia and Europe Together, it accounted for 85.94 percent of the world, while the number of deaths accounted for 87.62 percent.

…updating knowledge of COVID-19

1.PM2.5 is associated with post-vaccination immunity levels.

Interesting research by Kogevinas M and team from Spain. Publish the results of the study in the journal. Environmental Health Perspectives, yesterday, April 5, 2023, a study found that people living in areas with high air pollution and high PM2.5 levels had IgM antibody antibody levels at 1 month after vaccination against COVID-19. Lower than populations living in other areas, however, such results were found in groups that had never been infected before. If an infection has occurred before Antibody levels are not different.

2. Evolution of the COVID-19 virus

Markov PV et al from the UK. Publishing very good academic review articles in the journal Nature Review Microbiology, considered a must read for medical personnel. and people interested in COVID-19 by presenting the evolution of the COVID-19 virus From original species to Omicron

The outbreak is very serious in the past several years. It comes from the main factors, including changes in the performance of the virus itself that spreads more easily, the length of time that people are infected with that strain. The ability of infected people to start infecting others faster, and the ability of the virus to evade immunity. The above factors explain the phenomenon we have experienced. both in terms of the number of people who are infected, both newly infected and repeatedly infected as well as the losses incurred both the death and long-term impacts from Long COVID

…The World Health Organization issued a warning a few days ago that The current problem is COVID-19 virus It continues to mutate continuously. where we are still unable to predict or foresee its changes It’s different from a cold or seasonal flu. Therefore, one should conduct daily life consciously, not carelessly, and protect oneself regularly. Adjust the environment to have better ventilation, both at home, at work, at places to eat and drink, be careful of being close to others outside the house without self-defense. Should avoid sharing food and belongings. Properly wearing a mask can greatly reduce the risk. protect yourself from infection Or don’t repeat, it’s the best.

1. Kogevinas M et al. Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollution and COVID-19 Vaccine Antibody Response in a General Population Cohort (COVICAT Study, Catalonia). Environmental Health Perspectives. 5 April 2023.
2. Markov PV et al. The evolution of SARS-CoV-2. Nature Reviews Microbiology. 5 April 2023.

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