Dr. Volker Kemmerich Urges Flu Vaccination for Children and Young People, Despite Official Recommendations – Risk of Parallel Infections and Weakened Immune System

by time news

2023-09-24 08:57:00
“I think the vaccination makes sense”: Dr. Volker Kemmerich (52) advises all his patients to get vaccinated against flu now in the fall. The pediatrician with a practice on Strrumpfelbacher Straße in Weinstadt-Endersbach reports that it was shown again in the winter of 2022/23 that influenza can temporarily significantly weaken a child’s immune system – and thus the risk of parallel infections such as pneumonia increases. According to his own statement, Volker Kemmerich always has his own children vaccinated against flu – and he also gets the spades himself.

The Standing Vaccination Commission does not recommend the flu vaccination for everyone

At the same time, the pediatrician emphasizes that this recommendation deviates from what the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) states. It recommends the influenza vaccination only for all people aged 60 and over and for all pregnant women from the 14th week of pregnancy – from the start if there is an increased health risk due to an underlying illness. According to the Stiko, people with previous illnesses, residents of nursing homes and people who live with or look after people at risk should also be vaccinated against influenza.

As a rule, influenza lasts between three and five days

Dr. Volker Kemmerich, of course, cannot be predicted. However, it is known from countries like Australia in the winter in the southern hemisphere that the number of cases there has increased. In itself, explains Volker Kemmerich, the flu actually only lasts two to seven days – usually it is between three and five days. But if pneumonia occurs due to the weakened immune system, the child’s illness will be prolonged.

Volker Kemmerich also reads that the numbers are rising again because of Corona. But he still only sees two to three patients a week in his pediatrician’s practice. In addition, Corona is usually relatively mild for children and young people. According to Volker Kemmerich, vaccination with the new, adapted vaccine only makes sense for children and young people if they have previous illnesses – such as diabetes, severe neurological disorders or heart disease.

The 52-year-old himself would also like to offer a corona vaccination with the new vaccine from Biontech and Pfizer in his practice in Endersbach. The Weinstadt pediatrician has already ordered the vaccine. “It would be ready for delivery soon.” The Biontech vaccine is scheduled to arrive in practice in the last week of September 2023. The idea is that there should be a fixed date on which only vaccinations against Covid will be given for around two to three hours in a row.

The whole thing has already involved considerable effort for the team at the pediatrician practice in the past. Biontech’s vaccine was not available as a ready-made solution during the corona pandemic. It had to be diluted with sodium chloride. Several cans could be taken per pack. However, if these were not inoculated quickly, they had to be thrown away. According to Biontech, preparations are underway for the introduction of single doses of the adapted Omicron vaccine, which would make the work of doctors’ practices easier. However, it was not said when these would come. Volker Kemmerich therefore expects that there will initially be packs that contain several cans.

Another risk for small children: RS viruses

Dr. Dr. sees another risk with regard to waves of illness. Volker Kemmerich on the respiratory syncytial virus, or RS virus for short. It traditionally starts in November, although there have recently been waves in the summer. These, says the 52-year-old, were ultimately a result of the contact restrictions during the corona pandemic. When these were lifted, the children basically caught up with a few infections. Children usually become infected with RSV between November and March. According to Volker Kemmerich, if parents have a child with previous illnesses such as heart or lung disease, a so-called passive vaccination is possible for RSV. This is done with RS antibodies; the girls and boys have to go to the doctor every four weeks between November and March.

RSV is particularly dangerous in very young children. “This affects the first two years of life,” says Volker Kemmerich. What is a harmless cold in adults can become serious bronchitis or pneumonia in children.

In view of the cold season, the Weinstadt pediatrician generally advises not to take your child to the doctor every time they have a fever. He gives parents the following rule of thumb: If a fever lasts longer than 72 hours, you must definitely see a doctor immediately. Otherwise: “The vast majority of infections in children and adolescents require neither a doctor nor medication.”

When it comes to prevention during the cold season, Volker Kemmerich recommends opening the window in common rooms for a short time every hour. In other words: ventilate suddenly instead of constantly tilting the window. In his view, this is important in schools and daycare centers. In addition: be sure to wash your hands. There is no need for a disinfectant. “Soap and water are gentler on the skin.”

“Breastfed babies have significantly fewer infections”

According to Volker Kemmerich, it is also helpful if parents ensure that their children get enough exercise in the fresh air and eat healthily. According to Volker Kemmerich, it also has a positive effect on children’s health when babies receive breast milk. “Breastfed babies have significantly fewer infections.”

Appeal to politicians: Do something about the shortage of certain medications

The Weinstadt pediatrician would like two things from politicians that could help relieve the burden on practices. First: You should do everything you can to ensure that resident doctors and their teams in their practices are not overloaded. The same applies to the staff in the clinics. Second: Medicines must really be available. According to Volker Kemmerich, the fact that pediatric practices have to call pharmacies to get fever juice for their patients, as in winter 2022/23, costs an unnecessary amount of time.]
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