Draghi flies to Libya with Di Maio to relaunch the economy and the time.news alliance

by time news

ROMA CAs happened with Matteo Renzi in 2014, the Prime Minister Mario Draghi also chooses Tripoli as the destination of his first trip abroad. A precise political signal to support the country’s civil reconstruction process, reaffirm the strategic alliance between the two states and recover some lost positions with respect to other international players: first of all Russia and Turkey.


The Libyan government is betting all its cards on the thawing of the Lia sovereign fund and on the economic revival. Prime Minister Abdel Hamid Dabaiba will discuss this today with Draghi, whose primary objective is to reconcile the country, after years of civil war, in view of the elections on 24 December. Goals that Dabaiba will illustrate to Draghi on a mission to Tripoli together with Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio. A delicate mission with significant economic and geopolitical repercussions carefully prepared in the travels made by Di Maio in recent weeks.

Energy sector

Several topics will be at the center of the talks and which may be the subject of a memorandum of understanding. An agreement on the energy transition and renewable sources in Fezzan was finalized and transmitted to the Libyan authorities. The goal is to reach and sign a long-term framework agreement that would provide for the construction of new plants from renewable sources in Fezzan. A central role will be played by the Eni group, the leading gas producer in Libya. The projects in renewables, in the circular economy and in training are many and were discussed on March 21 between Prime Minister Dabaiba and Claudio Descalzi, CEO of Eni


The highway faces Gaddafi

Draghi will confirm the maximum support of Italian companies to make up for the shortage of at least 3,000 megawatts of electricity in the country, which causes numerous blackouts. In view of the construction of a megacentral plant, electricity and solar units will be provided. The project dear to Gaddafi of a coastal highway of almost two thousand kilometers between the Egyptian and Tunisian borders (5 billion dollars of investment) will also be relaunched. Draghi and Dabaiba will go into detail on the works. So far the only section on site is the one near Tobruk but in the coming months three sections of a lot will be put up for tender between Misrata and Tunisia. Health coordination for the fight against the pandemic and the modernization of the local hospital system are also at stake. But there will also be discussions about relaunching cooperation on the control of migrant smuggling and a new Italian-Libyan commission for the payment of past debts to Italian companies (at least 324 million dollars).

April 5, 2021 (change April 5, 2021 | 23:16)

© Time.News

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