Draghi in Israel: “Commitment to strengthen Holocaust memory”

by time news

“Italian institutions and civil society have been active for many years in the fight against anti-Semitism, both nationally and internationally. Government is committed to strengthening the memory of the Shoah and to combat discrimination of all kinds against Jews. “Prime Minister Mario Draghi said this, meeting the Italian Jewish community in Jerusalem, in the temple of Conegliano.

“We do this with the National Strategy, coordinated by Professor Santerini – claimed Draghi – and with the Extraordinary Commission chaired by Senator Segre. We have adopted the definition of anti-Semitism of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance to address prejudices and stereotypes – from schools to public administration promote knowledge of Jewish culture in Italian museums and cultivate dialogue between religions and faiths to foster mutual understanding. These efforts – remarked the Prime Minister – are essential to protect human dignity, fight ignorance, defeat indifference “.

“In moments of crisis, uncertainty, war like the one we are experiencing – said Draghi – it is even more important firmly oppose the political use of hatred. We must promote tolerance, mutual respect, love of neighbor – these are the true ingredients of lasting peace. The history of your community – said the premier – is an example to look forward to with pride “.

“The development of the Italian community – he then recalled – is directly linked to terrible facts of the twenty yearsin particular with the introduction of the racial laws in 1938. The enormous faults of Nazi-fascism and the horrors of war have not diminished the importance of the Jewish diaspora in Italy which is still rich in energy, spirit and tradition today. From the post-war period to today, the ties between our communities have been strengthened in every field “.

Strengthened ties, the Prime Minister remarked, “in research, through university collaboration and the work of individuals, such as Giulio Racah, who significantly contributed to developing physics here in Israel. In the economy, thanks to thriving entrepreneurial activities. of Italian emigrants to Israel and Israelis to Italy. In the field of culture, from cinema to literature, from architecture to design “.

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