Draghi in Washington, Ambassador Zappia: “A sign of closeness between Italy and the US”

by time news

The Italian ambassador to the United States Mariangela Zappia



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Draghi in the United States from Biden, the Italian ambassador to Washington, Mariangela Zappia: “La the premier’s visit is a sign of closeness in a complex phase “

The visit of the Prime Minister, Mario Draghiin the US “will visually give the sign of friendship between Italy and the United States“This was stated by the Italian ambassador to the United States, Mariangela Zappiaguest of the “Sunday Coffee”broadcast on Radio 24 by Maria Latella. “For Draghi it is the first visit as prime minister to the US, which he knows very well also from having lived there, and it is the sign of how close the two governments are in a complex historical phase”, continued Zappia. The prime minister “will be in Washington for a couple of days and the most important moment will be the meeting with Biden, on the first day of the visit”, said the ambassador, underlining that “there are many topics that will be on the table. : of course there will be a lot of talk about the war in Ukraine, about what we are doing together as allies to support Kiev in the face of an aggression that has taken us by surprise and which is totally unacceptable “.

Draghi in the United States from Biden, the Italian ambassador to Washington, Mariangela Zappia: “US appreciates strong and unified response from the EU”

“The United States very much appreciates the fact that” the European Union’s response to the war in Ukraine “has been strong and united”, continued Ambassador Zappia. The US, she added, “is also very present”, while “the US-Europe relationship is strengthened”. She then stressed that we are acting together “to strengthen Ukraine by all means” and work to “protect the eastern flank of the Alliance and make it ready. All this in the awareness that the main objective must be to restore the conditions for peace”.

Draghi in the United States from Biden, the Italian ambassador to Washington, Mariangela Zappia: “For the United States, Rome is a link with the EU

“When you look at the European Union it is inevitable to think of the countries that are driving this construction. I have a very clear feeling, but I also have very evident signs, of how much Italy represents for the US not only the historical ally it has always been , but also the main point of reference as a link, a bridge to the EU “.

Draghi in the United States from Biden, the Italian ambassador to Washington, Mariangela Zappia: “Faced with epochal challenges, it shows its strength

“We see very well how the EU has been able to react not only to this crisis” in Ukraine, “but also to the previous one of Covid-19, which is still underway: the great European project faced with such epochal and unprecedented challenges it is showing all its strength and is even accelerating an integration process that on some things had gone too slowly. One of them, the Europe of defense, the idea that the EU should also be able to have a common defense ” .

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