Draghi premier with the wind in their sails: democratic resource or pawn of the markets?

by time news

The very high approval of the Draghi government (73.6%) compared to the declines of the Democratic Party (18.8%) and of the M5S (16.4%) and the stable League (21.5%) while FdI grows (19.4 %) says a lot about the current air in Italy. They are just polls, they will say. True. But it is a fact that the polls reflect what is happening today in the real country, in its fight against the pandemic, in its drive for economic recovery and for the return to normality of social relations. It was once said that if the boss / boss liked you, you were an enemy of the people. Today it is said that if Draghi is liked by cosmopolitan markets, it is the people who pay, once again betrayed, unable even to vote. Perhaps that Draghi, as it was for Conte and others before, settled in Palazzo Chigi with a coup, not voted by Parliament, in turn elected by the Italians at the polls? Do you really think that Draghi is an alien disliked by the Italians, a puppet-premier in the pay of international capital?

Let’s not joke. The executive defined by very broad agreements was wanted by Colle to prevent the country from collapsing. Of course, this executive is just a badly glued multicolored frame where only the premier dominates in the picture. But the limit is not the “savior” premier, if anything are the parties paper. To these parties – no one excluded – remains for their weaknesses and contradictions, the role of extras: in case they are engaged in trying to put their hats on what the premier does, also free to give a few tugs or raise quarrels, only for shop reasons and to prove that you are there. Today no majority party dares to contradict the choices and actions of Draghi, a pragmatic man only in command who was able to give a positive change to the “pandemic question” (but only in November-December will it be understood whether the war against Covid has been won), activate the economic rebound, bring home the Revivali plan indicating the reform strategy of the relaunch of the country, regain an international dignity that Italy no longer had for decades.

Two months after entering the white semester, the Colle game is already a political one, but this will not affect the government’s stability. No one will try to shove, given that today the executive’s ko would mean the coup de grace for all parties, the suicide of their respective leaderships. The same administrative vote in the autumn can give a jolt to the parties and within the parties but it will not affect the government of the country which, in this general context, is in a “cow’s belly”. There will be no early political vote in the short to medium term and Draghi will complete his work as premier beyond 2022, probably until 2023 and then, if anything, take off in 2004 at the helm of the European Union. Draghi as a resource in an Italy to be turned around like a sock and also in Europe no longer under the yoke of an austerity that is always and in any case and socially “horizontal” but with modular constraints with budget parameters calibrated according to the reality of each country.

All right, then? No. Draghi has prevented Italy from sinking but the political-institutional-social knots that have gripped the country for decades in an international framework of great contradictions, aggravated by the pandemic, remain to be resolved. Suffice it to say that the 500 richest people on the planet have increased their wealth by 1.8 trillion dollars in a few months while the crisis has created 150 million new poor. Not to mention the explosive issues, with repercussions also on Italy, such as the ecological question, immigration, hunger in the world, the disparity between north and south, countries under dictatorship and so on. There is no need, now, to relaunch ideological contrasts but the fact remains that this capitalism and this globalization that tightens even more the old knots and accentuates the contradictions and disparities to the point of questioning a peaceful future of the planet, must be rethought. on the ideal, economic, political level.

This is the need for a strong role for Europe, with Italy no longer lagging behind, economically and politically. Here we are. That is why, beyond the tactics, neither this center-left without identity held together with spit (the strategic unity between the Democratic Party and the M5S would lead the Pd of the reformist left to harakiri and the anti-system 5Stars to dissolution) nor this three-party center-right strikers (Salvini, Meloni, Berlusconi) in a party game that increasingly seems to be the “three-card game”, can think of blowing up the executive. Sooner or later, certainly at the “natural” deadline, we will go to the polls. But today, and this may be valid for the next two years, for Italy and for all the parties and their leadership Draghi is the lifeline. Were the political forces at least able to treasure this “anomalous” experience, preparing for the aftermath, capable of collecting Draghi’s political heritage by bringing the parties back to exercise their constitutional role. Even the Italians, at the polls, will treasure what happened by summing up with a cross on the ballot paper.

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