“Draghi wanted Colle at all costs. Mattarella bis? We knew from 2020”

by time news

Mario Draghi and Sergio Mattarella (Lapresse)

Quirinale, “Letta pretended about Belloni”. The role of Conte, Salvini, Di Maio, Meloni and the chaos in Forza Italia

What role did Mario Draghi play in the Quirinale match?

“Draghi put all his strength to escape from Palazzo Chigi and go to the Quirinale”.


“He is sick of being Prime Minister. With the PNRR in the summer he will make a poor figure in Europe due to a totally inadequate government team from Colao to Giovannini, from Franco to Cingolani. It was also Giorgetti who convinced Draghi because the League minister does not want to put his face on it and will run away from his ministry, given that above all Colao and Cingolani massacre his work every day. Draghi was convinced that he was a kind of pilgrim Madonna acclaimed from North to South, but if he had tried seriously he would have had 250 francs shooters in Parliament. “


“For the Italian political world Draghi is, incredibly, a little appreciated figure. In recent months he has closed himself in his ivory tower together with Giavazzi and treats everyone with fish in the face. All the ministers can’t take it anymore, they can’t even to speak with the premier. The presidency of the Council is in absolute chaos, there is no coordination between the ministries and everyone, in the front line those of Forza Italia, totally ungrateful to Berlusconi, try to put their men in the general directions because we are now in the electoral campaign “.

In short, Draghi really hoped for it in the Quirinale …

“Absolutely yes and he tried them all. He pretended to have this pact with Mattarella for which he would go to Colle, but it was clearly a wicked pact since no one could guarantee it. The big investment banks also played him. a priest’s joke pushing him to stay in Chigi ”.

And then how did Draghi’s support for Mattarella’s re-election come about?

“When the premier understood that he would never be acclaimed, he started making phone calls to the leaders. They were harsh, self-referential calls that the party secretaries did not like at all. When he understood that the battle was now lost, Draghi, from good Jesuit, he spoke to Mattarella, calling him first, and begged him to stay, blaming amateur politicians “.

And Mattarella?

“He was waiting for nothing else. As I wrote on February 2, 2020 in an editorial on The weather, since then the operation of the left DC had started to get to Mattarella bis “.

Very clever and cunning …

“As a great politician and politician, he let his parents do it and stepped aside. That extraordinary departure from the scene began, also using the visit from Pope Francis, culminating in the move and the boxes, one of the most ridiculous stories of Republic. Let’s hope it doesn’t start again with the boxes coming back. Fantastic operation for the moving company. “

Did Draghi want Belloni president of the Republic or not?

“Draghi didn’t want anyone, he wanted to go to Colle. And he knew very well that Belloni would never pass”.

What happened that evening on the name of the head of the Dis (secret service)?

“Letta worked on Draghi and Mattarella knowing that he did not control his party at all and, like a sly cat, crouched down to see what would happen. Unfortunately there was a crazy and lonely dynamism of Salvini, which torpedoed Casini when he was practically already President of the Republic. A blue pencil error “.

Returning to Belloni …

“Letta pretended to support the head of Dis, a great ambassador but who also other state apparatuses would not have liked at the Quirinale. But Letta knew perfectly well that her party, in the vast majority, did not want her. Belloni’s charm, hardly ever. that can be spent abroad, is that of being a woman. If a man had been at the head of the Dis, he would never have made his name “.

And Di Maio, a friend of Belloni, what role did he play?

“A decisive role, he did not get his hands dirty. Draghi held on tight and facilitated Mattarella’s solution. He was the smartest of all and could have a role in the great center that could be born around Casini”.

What happened instead in Forza Italia?

“I really don’t understand how Berlusconi can handle this situation, after he was betrayed by those he was aiming for. Tajani at one point started playing on his own and Ronzulli, responsible for relations with allies, failed miserably. The three ministers they never played for him. Berlusconi had given the ok to Casini, but Ronzulli was playing on the bank with Salvini, who is his true leader. I hope Berlusconi will send her away, it would be time “.

Salvini revealed that Letta when Conte was there did not mention Draghi and instead the premier appeared when the head of the M5S was not there. How come?

“Very simple. Conte has never been taken seriously in all this history of the Colle. He is a kind of cheerful ‘jester’ who has not overcome the Chigi syndrome, which no one listened to and who does not represent anyone. those television dramas and that’s it “.

Finally Meloni, how did the leader of the Brothers of Italy play?

“When he made that little break on the name of Crosetto he had a stroke of genius. Guido (Crosetto, ed) is the only true liberal and guarantor of his party. If he had kept his candidacy in the field, Crosetto would be President today. Then there was the private letter to parliamentarians from Senator Cristina Rossello with which she relaunched the name of Berlusconi, in agreement with Silvio and Marina himself. At that point Meloni had a very hard confrontation on the phone with Berlusconi and verbal with Tajani using words of incredible violence and wickedness. Meloni in this way the young girl of the Youth Front has returned “.

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