Dragon baby or alien? Fisherman gets strange creature | It’s A Baby Dragon

by time news

Roman Federtsov, a native of Norway, is amazed to see a strange creature caught while fishing. It is suspected that the fish, the baby dragon or the alien were found at sea. Roman Federtsov immediately shared a picture of the creature on social media.

The strange creature was caught while fishing in the sea off the coast of Tromso, Norway. The creature has a pale pink body, eyes resembling a cartoon character, and large wings and long tail on the sides of the head. At first glance it looks like a dragon baby.

After sharing the picture of the strange creature on social media, many people came to the scene with their comments. It was later identified as a ghost shark or chimera. Roman Federtsov got this rare creature from the Norwegian Sea.

English Summary: It’s A Baby Dragon – Fisherman Catches A Bizarre Sea Creature

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