Drama at work. Worker out of danger

by time news


The 60-year-old worker who was burned on Friday afternoon while working in a trucking company in Badi Agnano, in the municipality of Bucine, is stable. The patient is hospitalized at the Burns Center of the Cisanello hospital in Pisa, where doctors found first and second degree burns on 30% of his body. The man, despite the serious injuries he suffered, is not in danger of life. Investigations are currently underway by investigators to reconstruct the exact dynamics of the accident and clarify the contours of the incident. It all happened in an instant, around 3 pm two days ago. The victim was busy filling the motor of a pump with gasoline, an operation that he was most likely used to doing every day, when inadvertently some liquid fell on some incandescent parts.

The reaction immediately caused a huge flame that literally hit the man in several parts of his body. The company called for help within a few seconds to the 118 operations center of the ASL Toscana Sud Est, while the worker was initially helped by those present who had witnessed the incident. The Misericordia di Loro Ciuffenna, the medical car of the Valdarno hospital, the Fire Brigade and the Carabinieri of the Compagnia di San Giovanni intervened on the scene in a short time. The health workers, seeing the burns on the man’s body, called the Pegaso 1 helicopter rescue service which urgently transferred him to the Pisa hospital in red code, after having stabilized him. A flight of hope, which made people fear the worst for the worker of the Valdambrina company. Due to the burns he suffered, the man will be forced to undergo a rehabilitation that is certainly not short.

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