Dramatic change: the revolution of the arrangements in the Tel Aviv of the Hebron Yeshiva

by time news

It pays to be a Hebroner: all about the revolution of the arrangements in the Tel Aviv of the Hebron Yeshiva that will lead to a revolution in the world of the Ta’im in the world of yeshiva, following a precedent-setting move of giving discounts with the market leaders. And also: how will the Habroner’s be able to identify themselves without any bureaucracy from now on. First publication in ‘Bachaderi Haredim’

These days, the revolution of the world of yeshiva is spreading its wings, after the TAT of the Hebron yeshiva in Jerusalem, a dramatic change is being initiated that is reshaping the face of the arrangements accepted in yeshiva for years with the leading marketing chains.

As we know, for years it has been accepted in every yeshiva that the “Tomachi Torah” institution – TA, is entrusted with the regulation of the price market in clothing, footwear, glasses, etc., for the benefit and well-being of the members of the yeshiva. teeth, jewelry and more, and that all of the arrangements that the TA made available to the lads were also intended for yeshiva graduates. However, even in Hebron, the settlement market was adapted mainly to the needs of yeshiva members and less to the needs of the families of the graduates.

Now, as it became known to ‘Ba Haderi Haredim’, the Tel Aviv of Hebron is embarking on an unprecedented move in the entire yeshiva world, and is unprecedentedly expanding the provision of discounts to a variety of areas specially adapted for the families of the graduates while giving special emphasis to the area of ​​the envelope for housing, starting with mortgage advice, insurances and kitchens up to and including lighting, furniture and a huge variety of subjects when everything is done in front of the leading professionals in the market and at a very significant discount.

The letter received by the members of the Yeshiva

Another refreshing innovation that has been worked on in the Tel Aviv of Hebron in recent times is the regulation of the issue of identification as a member of the yeshiva when receiving the discount by the service providers. Until today, in order to redeem the discounts for members of the yeshiva, it was necessary to purchase a designated voucher in advance and only then could you go to the store and redeem the discount, a procedure that prevented many adults who do not live close to the yeshiva from redeeming the discounts at the various chains. Now, in order to facilitate the expansion of the provision of discounts in a manner
To be optimally accessible, Hebron has worked hard to develop an innovative and advanced system that allows the discount to be given through simple and easy identification by the yeshiva member’s ID card – the young or the married, and this way the seller or service provider knows that the customer in front of him is entitled to Hebron’s special discounts.

This development greatly facilitates the purchase process when all that is required is identification in the store at the end of the purchase using an ID card. The TAT emphasizes that the discount is intended for every first-degree family member of the member of the Yeshiva. Already today the arrangement is accepted by the absolute majority of the stores working under the arrangement with the TAT, with the exception of a few individual stores that avoided this and still require the purchase of a voucher in advance.

In a conversation with a student from the yeshiva we heard about the great streamlining in the new procedure. According to him, until today when a guy needed a sample of a suit in the days between the times, it involved great difficulty, when from the beginning you had to find out who the guys were who volunteered to be the representatives for the sale of the vouchers, and even after purchasing the voucher many times the purchase was not at the same store where he purchased the voucher, when in the end It had to be exchanged for the appropriate voucher, so the whole process was cumbersome and tedious. “Nowadays, thanks to the wonderful work that the TA did, everything has become easy and simple, you go to any store you want, without having to buy any kind of voucher in advance, and if I find what I’m looking for, I identify myself to the seller, and that’s the end of the whole story,” he says in a special conversation To ‘in the ultra-orthodox rooms’ a guy from the yeshiva.

These days, on behalf of the TA, thousands of email addresses of Yeshiva members and their families have been sent the complete list of discounts, when it seems that this is only the beginning and the hand is still tipped.

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