Dramatic evidence repeats itself: “The state has lost control”

by time news

After the surrender of the Chinese government to the stormy demonstrations throughout the country and the cancellation of the ‘zero infection’ policy, a dramatic increase in the number of patients with the corona virus and the number of deaths from it. Hard testimonies of citizens about only 10 minutes saying goodbye to the deceased and long queues at crematoriums

After the health system in China admitted that the number of deaths from Corona had reached alarming numbers, new and difficult evidence was revealed about the country’s treatment of the large number of dead, and the draconian regulations towards the bereaved families. According to Chinese citizens, the country has “lost control” of the number of dead.

Chinese officials admit in the last day that the total number of deaths due to corona in the country is “huge” as they define it and according to the estimate about 70 percent of the millions of Shanghai residents were infected with corona during the last month when there was a sharp jump in the number of confirmed cases in the country after the policy of “zero infection” was stopped completely after protests Storms across the country. The surrender to the protesters seems to lead to the complete collapse of the hospitals and crematoria.

A resident of Shanghai whose relative died from Corona told about the ordeal his family went through, when he waited in a line of more than 300 families, to say goodbye to their family member for the last time. According to reports, more than 500 bodies were cremated in the crematorium that day, five times more than a normal day. After hours of waiting, each family was given only 10 minutes to grieve.

Another resident said: “The whole system is paralyzed right now, the queue for the crematorium is more crowded than it can be handled.” Similar scenes take place in funeral homes all over China and not only in Shanghai, a city of over 26 million inhabitants, thousands of grieving families are seen queuing for those crematoria to say goodbye to their loved ones for the last time and the local workers are exhausted from the never-ending amount of work.

However, not everyone gets to say goodbye, in Beijing, the capital of China, where about 21.5 million people live, the local government announced an all-time record of people infected with the Corona outbreak, and the police turned away many citizens who wanted to go to the funeral homes. One of the employees of the Civil Affairs Bureau in the country described to the Chinese media: “The main funeral home operates around the clock, with 140-150 bodies being cremated every day, compared to only 40 in the past.”

One of the residents whose father died of Corona told the Chinese media: “I tried several times to bring my father’s body to the crematorium. The hotline of the funeral services said that all the cremation slots are full until after the new year. My father’s body is in the neighborhood. If anyone has a problem, they are welcome to call the police.”

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