Dresden: Stars donate private items to Ukraine – anyone can bid on the souvenirs

by time news

Actor and artist Bruno F. Apitz has started a fundraiser for Ukraine with 40 artists, including numerous celebrities.

Dresden – Actor and artist Bruno F. Apitz (65) has a fundraiser for the Ukraine started with 40 artists, including numerous celebrities.

Gunther Emmerlich (77) is parting with two paintings from his private collection. © Eric Munch

They donate art, books or CDs from their private collection. Everyone can participate and take a piece of their favorite star home with them.

“I can’t just stand by and do nothing,” says Bruno Apitz. That’s why he rounded up dozens of artists for the “Art Against War” campaign to collect as much money as possible for emergency aid. The proceeds go to the donation account of the Johanniter “Emergency aid for the Ukraine”.

Gunther Emmerlich also joins the campaign. “The situation is unbearable,” says the singer. “The only way to get out of this impasse of helplessness is to lend a hand.”

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In addition to books and CDs, Emmerlich also donates two works of art from his private property. For this he has selected two paintings by the Saxon artists Thomas Ranft (“David and Goliath”) and Michael Morgner (“Untitled”).

Actress Gerit Kling (56) sells two of her books.

Actress Gerit Kling (56) sells two of her books. ©PR

Actress Gerit Kling (56) sponsors two copies of her book “Then just without a title… We couldn’t agree again: Two sisters, one story”, which she wrote together with her sister Anja Kling.

Helping refugees is also important to her privately. “I have taken on a medical student. He comes from Ghana but is studying in Ukraine,” says Kling.

Special highlight: actor Jaecki Schwarz (76) donates his Goldene Henne, which he received in 2013 for his life’s work. Bids for the award can be submitted in a silent auction until April 21st.

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The highest bidder wins: kunst-kontra-krieg.de.

Cover photo: Montage: Bruno F. Apitz/private/Eric Münch

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