“Drinking 2 cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of prostate cancer”: is that right? | My Guide: Health

by time news

A large-scale Chinese study shows that men who regularly drink coffee have a lower risk of prostate cancer. Just two cups a day would be enough to reduce the risk by almost 10 percent. All men having coffee then or are we too premature? And are there other foods that reduce the risk of prostate cancer? Urologists Charles van Praet and Piet Hoebeke from UGent explain.

Chinese scientists examined the results of 16 different scientific studies conducted. They looked at coffee consumption in men with and without prostate cancer. What turned out? Men who drank at least two cups of coffee a day were found to have a 9 percent lower risk of prostate cancer.

Can coffee really help?

A nice conclusion, but is it correct? “I have my doubts,” says urologist Charles van Praet. “The researchers examined the data of more than 1 million men. With such large numbers, it is fairly easy to prove something with statistics. Moreover, of the 16 studies , only 2 that effectively showed that coffee was linked to less prostate cancer. The other 14 studies showed no effect. So there is no unambiguity.”


Coffee drinkers may just happen to have a healthier lifestyle, making them less likely to develop cancer.

“In addition, this review study currently only points to an association between coffee consumption and prostate cancer. Therefore, there is no causal relationship. They are not sure that coffee really protects against prostate cancer. It could also be pure coincidence. For example, coffee drinkers may just happen to have a healthier lifestyle, making them less likely to develop cancer. In this way, it is not the coffee, but the lifestyle that is the basis.”

“If the figures were correct, we would never advise patients to drink a lot of coffee a day,” says urologist Piet Hoebeke. “There will then be other health problems. Think of heart rhythm disorders, stomach problems or insomnia. In this way, the health gain will be minimal, or even rather negative.” Although this will not be the case with two cups of coffee.

Are there other foods that can reduce the risk of prostate cancer?

“Unfortunately, there are no miracle cures to prevent prostate cancer,” says van Praet. Yet – as with any type of cancer – a healthy diet can play an important part in this. “A healthy lifestyle with lots of exercise and a varied diet is essential, but that is the case for many conditions. The most important thing about prostate cancer is to catch it early enough. We recommend that men between the ages of 50 and 70 have regular prostate examinations. Studies show that death rates fall by as much as 20 percent. Such an examination can easily be done at the doctor’s office. He takes a blood sample and feels the prostate with his finger through the anus. That is annoying for a while, but it can save lives.”

Urologists Charles van Praet and Piet Hoebeke © rv / Geert Van de Velde

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