Driver confronts subject who harassed passenger in Toluca

by times news cr

2024-05-06 08:40:31

A driver on the route that runs from Toluca a Zinacatepec has gained the recognition of users on networks after the recording was shared where he is seen defending a young woman who was being harassed on board his unit by a subject on April 30.

In the recording you can see the subject apparently touching the genital area before a young woman who was sitting uncomfortably next to him.

Not being able to stand the situation any longer, the young woman chose to ask the subject to allow her to pass so she could get out of the seat and then go to the driver; at the same time you can see the aggressor get up to request download of the unit, a request that was denied when his actions became known.

Seconds later the unit operator approached the subject exchanging a few words before the astonished gaze of the passengers, later in another camera shot you can see the angry driver throwing punches y knees to the subject and then force him to get off the bus.

After the incident, the director of said bus line, Alejandro Hernandez Torres shared some statements through his account Facebook, inviting network users to always report any harassment or dangerous situation so that the unit operator can request support from the authorities.

“Friend Xinantécatl Bus user, if you feel harassed, attacked or consider that in some way your integrity and safety could be at risk, approach our operators so they can request the presence of a patrol.” She pointed out.

Given the way the driver handled the situation, dozens of users expressed their respect and recognition for supporting the young woman, “What an admirable man,” “Hero!” or “Thanks to the driver for protecting the young woman, since there are some who do nothing to help,” are some of the comments.

Hours after the confrontation, users shared the profile of the aggressor identified as Jorge Serrano.


2024-05-06 08:40:31

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