Driving a car registered to someone else: is it allowed? What the law says

by time news

by Fabio Caliendo | 15-09-2024 | News and Miscellaneous, Rental News

Need to lend you a car for a few days from a friend or family member? Here’s everything you need to know


How many times have we driven someone else’s car? It’s happened to everyone. The car of a friend, a partner, a parent, a relative… It’s even happened to lend it! What’s strange or wrong about that? Nothing, it can be done, of course. However, there is one thing you need to pay attention to: car insurance in the event of an accident. A few rules but essential. Is using and driving other people’s vehicles, just like lending your own, punishable with fines? Absolutely not! But let’s take a good look at everything you need to know.


What does the law say? Can you drive a car that is not registered to you?

We will answer you immediately. The matter is regulated by theart. 94, paragraph 4-bis, of the Highway Code. Driving another person’s car is possible: you can drive a car owned by someone else, without incurring an administrative penalty. Things are changing if the use of the vehicle is for a period exceeding 30 consecutive days. In this case, it involves theobligation to modify the headings of circulation documentsand it will be necessary to notify the Civil Motorization Department, so that it can be noted on the vehicle registration document.

If you do not comply with this, there will be a fine and it will be a hefty one, not to mention that the vehicle registration document will be withdrawn. There is a but. The Police will have to prove that the vehicle has been habitually driven for more than 30 days by a third party who does not live with the owner of the vehicle. Quite an undertaking…

Lending a car: various examples

Having understood that you can generally lend your car without any problems, let’s see what the various cases may be. The thing not to forget is one: whatever happens, the person responsible for accidents caused by fault or violations of the Highway Code is the owner. So if you lend your car, or drive someone else’s, you’ll have to take all of this into account.

A family member’s car

This is the most common situation: driving a family member’s car. Let’s think about spouses and children. As mentioned, if they live together, they can drive the car without problems. No penalties if you drive your dad’s car, or your son’s car for more than 30 days. Be careful only if you are a new driver. Remember the restrictions related to this category (HERE you can find everything about new drivers). In the event of a check by the Police, they will connect to the Municipality’s registry office to verify the relationship of familiarity and cohabitation.

An acquaintance’s car

Let’s come to the case where a friend lends you the car, or he doesn’t feel well and you have to drive. As mentioned, there are no problems, the car is your property, and you have full authority to grant your property. The problem is if, as mentioned, the 30 days are exceeded. In this case, the user must be noted on the registration document. Be careful of the fine, it ranges from a minimum of 720 euros to a maximum of over 3,500 euros and the withdrawal of the registration document.

Insurance: what’s the deal?

The second thought immediately goes to insurance. What happens in the event of an accident? If the accident happens because of your fault, and you are driving someone else’s car, according to the Highway Code, strict liability comes into play. What does this mean? That the owner of the vehicle is responsible for it, always and in any case. The mandatory RC Auto policy intervenes for damages, but the merit class will worsen, with the consequent increase in the cost of the car insurance starting from the next renewal. Any criminal implications of the accident obviously remain the responsibility of the person driving the vehicle at the time of the accident.

If the other vehicle is at fault, the insurance company of the other party will reimburse the cost of the damages, including any physical damage to the driver, even if the owner is not driving. Let’s pay attention to a fundamental point: policies with limitations. If you do not have the so-called free driving, the insurance company could take action against you. Maybe minors under 25 cannot drive, or maybe only you as owners, or only family members. In short, pay attention to this.

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