Dro bear slaughtered, Biancofiore appeals to Fugatti: «Stop and take heart, she has cubs» – News

by times news cr

2024-07-20 07:38:31

TRENTO. “Maurizio stop, take heart: the bear has cubs. If Jj4 had been sterilized before the cubs born in 2020 as suggested by the provincial veterinarians following the first attack, Andrea Papi would still be alive. It is in fact scientifically proven, as also made clear by the veterinarian De Guelmi, that bears attack humans only if they perceive a possible threat to the cubs, from humans but even more so from other similar ones. Radio-controlled plantigrades by identifying females and having them sterilized at the Bioparco in Rome is the main road to protect the safety of men and avoid bloodshed, lato sensu that does not honor our land”. This was declared in a note by Senator Michaela Biancofiore, president of the Senate group Civici d’Italia – Noi Moderati – Maie and elected in the Rovereto constituency, commenting on the demolition order adopted by President Maurizio Fugatti.

“The problem – continues Biancofiore – exists, it is very serious and it is not Fugatti’s fault if there has been a crazy management in the past of the Life Ursus project, but the culling cannot be the only way that, in addition to being heartbreaking, rekindles new constant controversies: extreme caution is needed, not choosing the easiest and bloodiest way but also inviting tourists not to venture without awareness among our mountains, which have been well mapped. Peaks are not blown off because sometimes, many times, they cause deaths – mutatis mutandis, it is the same thing. I agree with President Fugatti that we must immediately provide people with anti-bear spray as happens in the large American parks without consequences for tourists and I will personally take action with the Ministry of the Interior so that approval for free provision arrives as soon as possible”.

2024-07-20 07:38:31

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