Dror Raphael: Avi Dichter, the man who eliminated enemies, has difficulty standing in front of the ministers

by time news

Right after Women’s Day, it’s time to discuss the change that the male status has undergone, from then until today. From Moshe Dayan to Rani Rahab. From Mazer Weizmann to Static. Meyar Golan to Yair Sharki. The masculinity revolution is an unfolding event, which continues to give its signals every moment.

Just recently it was announced that Jonathan Margie made history: a straight man who was cast as a presenter for a makeup brand intended for women. Margie radiates self-confidence, a sense of humor and walking to the end with his truth and with the traditional anti-masculine appearance that he cultivates. Wears belly shirts and doesn’t think that comments like “you dress like a gay” should insult or undermine him. On the contrary. Margi is a successful and influential modern man. If Lior Raz is an alpha male in life and in the characters he plays, Margi will be categorized as a gamma man – an adventurer who is fun to love. He is a refined male version. Sensitive towards the opposite sex, familial and valuable. He is a cute and non-threatening man and yes, he is also brave.

In the series “Matkal Patrol” (Omari Essenheim, and Gilad Tokatali in Hot 8 and Network 13) authentic Israeli alpha males of all times star. In the first three episodes, the only woman interviewed is the partner of the late Yoni Netanyahu, who tells about his last days before the Entebbe operation. This is a series bursting with testosterone of brave, strong men, leaders, who reached the highest level of combat in the IDF, some of them reached the ranks command, some of them continued and advanced to senior positions in the leadership of the state, and even to the position of prime minister (Benyamin Netanyahu, Naftali Bennett, Ehud Barak).

Despite their different worldviews, they are all united around their love for the country, the mission and themselves. One of the key speakers in it is minister Avi Dichter, who served in the unit. His character in the series corresponds in a surprising and surprising way with his character in reality. He dryly tells about heroic operations and amazing events that the unit carried out, some of which he was involved in.

Dichter sits slightly bent over in his home, wrapped and curled up in a black Uniqlo coat, his head bowed, his eyes piercing. He speaks sharply. His descriptions of what is done in the unit complement the words of the other interviewees. He sheds a fascinating personal light on each performance. You can read and hear about Dichter’s exploits in and outside the unit: the man single-handedly rescued soldiers of the patrol from the heart of an enemy country, pursued terrorists in Gaza, was responsible for the assassination of Yahya Ayash and combined sophistication, daring and creativity in his actions. It is hard to see how a celebrated general hides in this extinguished man.

Looking at him, a picture emerges that is not ambiguous: it is not the same person. There are two poets – one is a brave warrior, with amazing physical abilities, almost superhuman; The other is an indifferent person, who tries not to interfere too much so as not to get into trouble. Once he showed determination in battles, and today he hesitates in his opinions. The first just wanted to win in the promotions, the second is afraid to make a fool of himself in front of the ministers. So he pushed for a decision – now he gives his tacit consent. From a stormer became a burrower.

We hear all the time about the other patrol veterans who turned to political public action. Netanyahu, Barak, Omar Bar-Lev and more, constantly influence our lives. In contrast, he became the Minister of Agriculture. For him it’s cucumber season. The most important revolution for him is the agricultural revolution. He can strongly support Levin’s opponent’s plan or oppose it – as long as he does something, says something, leads an opinion. will convince will appear will speak will operate. will write will tweet will sing something. Just let him take some position and fight for it. Before Shlomo Artzi is called to express his opinion, it is appropriate that politicians, especially from the Likud, especially the senior ones, speak out. Gamaliel found out, Israel Katz and especially Dichter, who turns out to be a righteous and cowardly minister. The man who destroyed enemies with his hands, finds it difficult to stand up to his fellow ministers.

This week, a letter was published by the soldiers of Team Amnon, the first team of military personnel to break into the terminal in Entebbe. They wrote to the Prime Minister that he was “sacrificing the country”. His son, Yair Netanyahu, tweeted against the protesters and claimed they were terrorists. Medichter, a member of the team, a minister in the government, not a single word was heard.

Courage is described as the ability to face fear, pain, danger, uncertainty or threat, while standing your ground and knowing that you may pay a price for it. What remains of that brave hero of the General Staff patrol, who later became the head of the Shin Bet and today is bundled up in a teddy coat in his home in Ashkelon, and hardly ever takes his nose out of the window, when senior Shin Bet officers and fighters are protesting outside calling on him to show courage. Or a backbone. Or impunity A floor. Some of these.

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