“Drown” the Court | Tijuana News

by time news

2023-09-10 17:23:06

It is a secret to no one, because it has been “sung” from the pulpit of the National Palace, that they seek to “suffocate” the Judicial Branch of the Federation with the cut of up to 25 billion pesos from its budget, under the pretext of “ remove privileges” from the ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), where Minister Norma Lucía Piña Hernández signs as president.

The reasons for seeking the “hanging” of the country’s highest court are precisely because President Andrés Manuel López Obrador considers the ministers, except for Arturo Zaldívar Lelo de Larrea and Minister Yasmín Esquivel Mossa, as corrupt and a dozen other offensive qualifiers. , only because they have issued resolutions contrary to the wishes of the president.

The problem is that by cutting the budget of the Judicial Branch of the Federation, rather than hitting the ministers of the SCJN, those affected would be up to 60% of the jurisdictional bodies because they would not be able to meet international and legal obligations, according to analysis made by the Court itself.

But this does not seem to matter to the national president, because his intention is to “punish” the ministers, to weaken the Judicial Branch of the Federation, the only one he has not been able to subject to his designs.


After the definition of the “corcholatas” to the Presidency of the Republic, now continues to elect the local ones.

In the case of the Mexicali mayor’s office, one of the possible candidates for the Municipal Presidency is the current mayor Norma Alicia Bustamante

Martínez, who would be the first to be re-elected, since the two previous mayors of the Baja California capital did not do so for different reasons.

One of the cases was the PAN member Gustavo Sánchez Vásquez, who was seeking re-election as mayor, but was thrown out of the Municipal Palace in 2019 by Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, who was Morena’s standard bearer.

But Ávila Olmeda did not finish his term because he went in search of the governorship of Baja California, which he got.

So now Norma Bustamante’s possibilities are clear and she can become the first mayor of Mexicali for 6 years, since she has been asked on occasions and she has not confirmed but neither has she denied the possibility.


They say that the person who was happy last Thursday was the former PAN, former Emecista and now Morenista deputy Juan Manuel Molina García, because thanks to him it was possible to carry out a reform to the Law of the State System of Citizen Security of Baja California so that municipal police and state can take home, as if it were theirs, the weapons of the corporations.

The legislator was happy because it went well with the police groups that exist in the entity, so now they owe him a favor.

What neither Molina nor the presidents of the police groups expected is that the Secretary of Citizen Security of Baja California, Leopoldo Tizoc Aguilar

Durán was going to express his rejection of this decision made by the local Congress, because it took a power that does not correspond to it, since the carrying of weapons is regulated by the Federal Law on Firearms and Explosives.

Also “jumped” against the decision of the deputies the president of the Citizen Committee of Public Safety,

Ángel Záizar Prado, also arguing that a state law cannot contradict federal law. Now, to complicate things, on the same day the law was approved, a video went viral in which a singer nicknamed “Larry Donas” appears on a street in Mexicali driving a Municipal Police patrol car that he took from who knows where the hell. .

So if that’s how they take care of or provide patrols, what can you expect from a firearm.

#Drown #Court #Tijuana #News

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