Drug dealer and violent husband arrested by the police in Merano – Bolzano

by times news cr

MERANO. Yesterday the State Police officers on duty at the Merano Public Safety Police Station have executed a 9-month prison order issued by the Bolzano Public Prosecutor’s Office against ERM, a 40-year-old Moroccan citizen with multiple criminal convictions.

The convicted man was found by the police inside a house in Merano, where the fugitive had found refuge to escape justice.

Specifically, the man had been convicted with a final sentence for the crime of possession for the purpose of trafficking of certain consignments of narcotic substancescrimes committed in the Province of Bolzano in recent years and the subject of complex investigation activities carried out by the Flying Squad of the Police Headquarters.

Following his arrest, ERM had requested access to an alternative measure to detention; the request, however, was rejected by the competent Surveillance Court, as the convict had in the meantime become the protagonist of very serious domestic crimes committed against his family members: last 23 September, in fact, he was reached by the precautionary measure of removal from the family home located in Merano, with the ban on approaching the couple’s wife and three minor daughterswith the subsequent application of the “electronic bracelet”. The provision arose at the end of a detailed investigation carried out by the agents of the Merano police station and coordinated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Bolzano, following the initial report received from the healthcare personnel of the Merano hospital who, after having activated the “Erika Code”, had allowed us to ascertain and verify thesystematically violent attitude of man towards women and childrenthrough highly prevaricating and aggressive conduct.

After the ritual formalities, at the end of the judicial police actions, the condemned man was escorted to the Bolzano prison where he will serve the sentence imposed on him.

The police commissioner of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori, therefore, in consideration of what emerged, issued a decree of expulsion from the national territory against him, which will become operational once the sentence has been served.

“The search, identification and arrest of fugitives represents one of the priorities in the operational actions of the State Police – commented Commissioner Sartori –, and is aimed at making the sentences issued by the Judicial Authority enforceable, ensuring Justice subjects who refuse to respect the laws of our country and enabling them to undertake a re-educational path which can, once their sentences have been served, allow them to reintegrate into the community”.

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