Drug trafficking, recurrent

by time news

2023-08-17 17:42:35

The business linked to Indian hemp at the five-star hotel in Coronthie has stood the test of time, even that of the refoundation so much praised by Mamadi Doum-bouillant, the President of the Transition.

On August 16, Alphonse Charles Right, the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, suspended Chief Sergeant Moriba Sylla (M: 264507S), prison guard. He was previously in service at the five-star hotel in Coronthie. The chief brigadier is accused of violation of the internal regulations “type of penitentiary establishments.” The decision suspending him specifies that Moriba Sylla introduced twenty-seven sachets of Indian hemp, approximately two kilograms hidden in his bag. “He bluntly acknowledges” the facts, the decision reads.

Minister Alphonse Charles Right has ordered the implementation of the procedure for striking off the staff brigadier-in-chief of the Guinea-Haine prison administration. But not only ! To initiate legal proceedings at the behest of the head of the Human Resources Division, the national director of the prison administrator and reintegration, as well as the pro-crier general at the Court of Appeal of Cona-cris, ” in accordance with disciplinary and criminal procedure.”

Thierno Sadou I Diallo, the interim manager of the five-star hotel in Coronthie whom we contacted by telephone on August 17, did not want to talk about it.

At the five-star Hotel in Coronthie, drug trafficking and escapes most often involve prison guards, to a lesser degree a manager or a cook.

As a reminder, on June 6, Chief Sergeant Djibril Camara, prison guard, was suspended from his duties by Minister Alphonse Charles Right. The brigadier-chief was accused “of having introduced ten kilograms of Indian hemp” into the five-star hotel in Coronthie “in favor of the detainee ”Drogba”, for an amount of 800,000 sliding francs.”

Twenty-four hours earlier, Minister Alphonse Charles Right had suspended Commander Mamadou Alpha N’Diaye, the then manager of the five-star hotel in Coronthie. Also, legal proceedings announced against him, as well as five other people for “complicity in the escape” of Ibrahima Akhla, placed under arrest warrant on December 27, 2022, for alleged acts of forgery and use of forgery in public writings and complicity.

In July 2020, Mohamed Keïta was arrested in possession of one kilogram of Indian hemp at the five-star Hotel in Coronthie. He had hidden the thing in a motorcycle helmet, but he was apprehended before accessing the interior of the prison.

The introduction, sale and consumption of Indian hemp within the five-star hotel in Coronthie are recurrent. The mechanism seems well oiled. Already in 1996, the drug was accessible to convicts at a sliding 50 francs. Everyone knew it. Now the 50 franc notes are gone. All that’s left is the drugs. Another time, another price.

Yaya Doumbouya

#Drug #trafficking #recurrent

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