Dry January in “Le Monde”, from folklore across the Channel to a practice that is spreading in France

by time news

Cit is in March that The world wrote Dry January for the first time. Appeared in M The magazine of the World March 8, 2014, written by Eric Albert, this article was about “London’s first non-alcoholic bar”, opened in Goldborne Road, in a disadvantaged area in the west of the British capital. In this place, we break the idea that you have to kill yourself to have fun, carried by “the recent craze for Dry January”.

This challenge led to an unusual event, explains the correspondent of Monde in London : “After the excesses of the end-of-year celebrations, more and more Britons are indeed spending the month of January without drinking a drop of alcohol. » No pints of beer at the counter but « mocktails ». Eight years ago, the journalist took care to define this word that has become common today: “pun built on mock“false” – cocktails based on fruit juices”.

Curiosity and controversy

From this little folklore from across the Channel, The world didn’t write anything for a few years. 2019 marks the great return of this expression to the pages of daily life. That year, the plan for a French Dry January aroused both curiosity and controversy. On January 18, 2019, Sébastien Jenvrin, in the Style pages, wrote a long report on this subject, on the occasion of Paris Cocktail Week.

New: “bars offer non-alcoholic cocktails with the same aromatic density as if they had them”. And what do we drink? A poem : « gentian, homemade clementine syrup, lemon, egg white and grated clementine zest (…), activated charcoal cucumber juice, lime juice, flower honey syrup, tincture of spices and smoked salt”. The next day, January 19, 2019, Jean-Michel Normand laughs, in M The magazine of the Worldthis collective asceticism : “Between the banishment of screens, meat, sugar or gluten, we are starting to get lost in the season of the ‘months without…'”

In March 2019, the supplement “L’Epoque” devotes a double page to these “new abstainers”, regulars of the zincs who decided, voluntarily, to give up alcohol. A Toulouse engineer recounts imposing himself once a year for a month without drinking: “It was while preparing for his first marathon, ten years ago, that Benoît, 37, an engineer in Toulouse, imposed himself on a month of abstinence. A habit he kept. Since then, once a year, he does not drink alcohol for a month, usually in January or February. » The article states: “In Canada, we practice it in February. »

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