DSDS 2023: Bohlen blasphemes – nasty tip against ex-juror | Entertainment

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The pop titan hands out again …

At “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” sang the last candidates for the recall note on Saturday evening. Before the crude sayings of Dieter Bohlen (69) each of them trembled.

This time, however, it also hit someone who had made it in show business for a long time and was already on the jury with the hit producer.

The reason for the dig was the performance of candidate Florian Schäfer (23). The young man set the bar very high himself. He introduced himself as a professional musician and talked about performances at events and in cafés. He gets an average of 250 euros for two hours, according to Florian zu Bohlen. The head of the jury was amazed and was reminded of his times with a dance band many years ago. Dieter: “We got 200 marks for the whole night.” At least the food was free, said Bohlen. “And eat freely and drink freely, of course. I was always the first to get drunk.”

Florian Schäfer sang „Drivers Licence“ von Olivia Rodrigo

Photo: RTL / Stefan Gregorowis

The repertoire of the music combo did not quite meet his taste. In the further narrative of the pop titan, a hit icon does not come off well. Dieter to DSDS participant Florian: “I had to sing the Smurfs song back then … You probably don’t even know that anymore. But if you do that shit … Or Marianne Rosenberg and that rubbish …” Then he added: “That’s really tough. You’ll have to drink a few beers there.”

Singer Marianne Rosenberg was the target of Bohlen's blasphemy attack

Singer Marianne Rosenberg became the target of Bohlen’s blasphemy attack

Photo: Jens Kalaene/dpa

The broadside was not lost on TV viewers. “He dissed the ex-juror Rosenberg,” it said in astonishment on Twitter. In 2014, the musician was still at Bohlen’s side on DSDS. However, she has not been a fan of the casting show for a long time. In an interview with “Schlager Radio” Rosenberg said in August last year: “I was promised at the time that DSDS would change to something better. But I was probably too naive to believe that.”

In the episode on Saturday, Florian sang “Drivers License” by Olivia Rodrigo (19). But it was light years away from the original. Bohlen’s tough verdict: “It reminded me of the Oktoberfest. When people go to the toilet and throw up after 20 beers.” His jury colleagues also expected more. Pietro Lombardi (30) even bet against Dieter that the candidate can sing – and lost. With a fourfold no, the journey was over for Florian.

120 others had made it at least one round further after the casting of the past few weeks. However, the jury only took just under a third of them to the recall abroad. For her, the fluttering continues.

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