Dtv News – GGD Hart voor Brabant starts research on the impact of corona on health

by time news

The GGD Hart voor Brabant is starting a study into the impact of corona on the health of adults. This concerns, among other things, the consequences of the corona period on lifestyle and well-being. The GGD Hart voor Brabant does this together with the RIVM, the CBS and other regional departments of the GGD.

The GGD Hart voor Brabant mainly wants to know how residents from the region are doing after two and a half years of corona. Because it is now clear that the corona crisis has had an impact on life.

As of September 19, more than 96 thousand randomly selected adults from across the country can expect a questionnaire survey on their doorstep. The questionnaire is about health, well-being, lifestyle, participation and corona. The investigation will run until early December.

This is an extra measurement, because normally the GGD carries out the health monitor once every four years. The consequences of the corona period are now being looked at more closely. The results of the survey are used to assess per municipality what is needed to improve the health of residents.


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