Dubia of the cardinals on the doctrine and discipline of the Church: unsatisfactory answers from Pope Francis

by time news

2023-10-02 23:19:44

Five new Dubia by as many cardinals (BURKE, SARAH, ZEN, BRANDMÜLLER, SANDOVAL ÍÑIGUEZ),
a response from the Holy Father deemed unsatisfactory and generic to these Dubia,
a detailed reply from the cardinals with a technical reformulation of the Dubia (to which no response was given), thus forcing the Pope to respond with a “yes” or a “no”,
and finally, a Notification (today’s official communication from the cardinals) to all the faithful on the issues raised and on the seriousness of the doctrinal errors feared as a possible outcome of the Synod, with growing concern on the part of the cardinals.

Below, we report the complete texts:

The original Dubia (dated July 10) in Italian with translations into English, French, German, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish:

1st Dubium concerning the assertion that Divine Revelation must be reinterpreted based on contemporary cultural and anthropological changes.

After some statements by bishops that have not been corrected or retracted, we ask whether Divine Revelation in the Church should be reinterpreted according to contemporary cultural changes and the new anthropological vision that these changes promote. Or, if Divine Revelation remains binding forever, immutable and, therefore, cannot be contradicted, according to the Second Vatican Council, which requires “obedience of faith” to God, the revealer, and establishes that “everything that has been revealed for the salvation of all must remain intact forever” and “transmitted to all generations”.

2nd Dubium concerning the affirmation that the widespread practice of blessing unions between people of the same sex is in accordance with Revelation and the Magisterium (CCC 2357).

On the basis of the Divine Revelation, attested in the Holy Scripture, which states that God created man in his image, male and female he created them, and blessed them so that they would be fruitful, it is asked whether the Church can derogate from this principle, considering it only as an ideal and accepting objectively sinful situations, such as same-sex unions, without going against revealed doctrine.

3rd Dubium concerning the affirmation that synodality is a “constitutive dimension of the Church” (Apostolic Constitution Episcopalis Communio 6), maintaining that the Church is naturally synodal.

Given that the Synod of Bishops does not represent the episcopal college, but is a mere consultative body of the Pope, it is asked whether synodality can become the supreme regulatory criterion for the permanent government of the Church, without distorting its constitution desired by Jesus, in which the supreme authority of the Church is exercised by the Pope and the college of bishops with him.

4th Dubium regarding the support of pastors and theologians for the theory that the “theology of the Church has changed”, allowing the priestly ordination of women.

Following statements by some prelates according to which Vatican II would have changed the theology of the Church and the meaning of the Mass, the question arises whether the dictate of the Second Vatican Council remains valid, which distinguishes the common priesthood of the faithful and the ministerial one. It also questions whether the teaching of St. John Paul II in Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, which affirms the impossibility of ordaining women, remains valid and not subject to change.

5th Dubium concerning the statement that “forgiveness is a human right” and the Holy Father’s insistence on the duty to always absolve everyone, without requiring repentance as a necessary condition for sacramental absolution.

It is asked whether the teaching of the Council of Trent which requires the contrition of the penitent for the validity of sacramental confession remains valid, so that the priest must postpone absolution when this condition is not fulfilled.


Pope Francis’ response letter (dated 11 July and addressed only to cardinals BURKE and BRANDMÜLLER), was made public by VATICANNEWS and in full by Sabino Paciolla’s blog.


After the Holy Father’s response, considered elusive and partial, the cardinals reformulated the DUBIA (dated July 22, sent August 21) in Italian with translations into English, French, German, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish:

1. Your Holiness insists that the Church can deepen its understanding of the deposit of faith. It is possible that the Church today teaches doctrines contrary to those it previously taught in matters of faith and morals, both by the Pope ex cathedra, and in the definitions of an Ecumenical Council, and in the ordinary universal magisterium of bishops scattered throughout the world. ?

2. Is it possible that in some circumstances a pastor can bless unions between homosexual people, implying that homosexual behavior is not contrary to God’s law and the person’s path towards God? Is the teaching of the ordinary universal magisterium still valid according to which every sexual act outside marriage, in particular homosexual acts, constitutes an objectively serious sin?

3. The Synod of Bishops to be held in Rome and which includes only a selected representation of pastors and faithful, will exercise, in the doctrinal or pastoral questions on which it will be called to express itself, the Supreme Authority of the Church, which belongs exclusively to the Roman Pontiff and, una cum capita his, to the College of Bishops?

4. Could the Church in the future have the power to confer priestly ordination on women, thus contradicting the idea that the exclusive reservation of this sacrament to baptized males belongs to the very substance of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, which the Church cannot change?

5. Can a penitent validly receive sacramental absolution who, while admitting a sin, refuses to make the resolution, in any way, not to commit it again?

Notification (dated today, October 2) of the Dubia and the reformulated Dubia to the Christifideles in the original Italian version with translations into English, French, German, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish:

Notification to the lay faithful (can. 212 § 3) on the dubia presented to Pope Francis

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

We, members of the Sacred College of Cardinals, bearing in mind the duty of all the faithful “to express to the sacred Pastors their thoughts on what concerns the good of the Church” (can. 212 § 3) and, above all, bearing in mind the responsibility of Cardinals who “assist the Roman Pontiff … as individuals … in the especially daily care of the universal Church” (can. 349), considering various declarations of some high Prelates relating to the celebration of the next Synod of Bishops, clearly contrary to the constant doctrine and discipline of the Church , and which have generated and continue to generate great confusion and fall into error among the faithful and other people of good will, we have expressed our deepest concern to the Roman Pontiff.

Using the proven practice of dubia submission [domande] to a superior to provide him with the opportunity to clarify, through his responsa [risposte], the doctrine and discipline of the Church, with our letter of 10 July 2023 we submitted five dubia to Pope Francis. Pope Francis responded to us with a letter dated 11 July 2023.

Having studied the said letter, he did not follow the practice of responsa ad dubia [risposte a domande], we have reframed the dubia to elicit a clear response, based on the Church’s perennial doctrine and discipline. With our letter of 21 August 2023, we presented the reformulated dubia to the Roman Pontiff, a copy of which is attached. So far we have not received a response.

Given the seriousness of the matter of the dubia, especially in view of the aforementioned imminent session of the Synod of Bishops, we have judged that it is our duty to inform you, faithful (can. 212 § 3), so that you are not subject to confusion, error and discouragement. We invite you to pray for the universal Church and, in particular, for the Roman Pontiff, so that the Gospel may be taught ever more clearly and followed ever more faithfully.

Yours in Christ,

Walter Card. Brandmüller

Raymond Leo Card. Burke

Juan Card. Sandoval Íñiguez

Robert Card. Sarah

Joseph Card. Zen Ze-kiun


end quote


The possibility for a cardinal of the Catholic Church to present a “dubia” to the Pope is contemplated in the Church’s legal system through a specific process. Here’s how it happens:

The Concept of “Dubia”: “Dubia” is the Latin term meaning “doubts” or “questions”. In this context, it refers to controversial doctrinal or theological questions that require official clarification. Who can present a “Dubia”: Typically, cardinals of the Catholic Church can present “Dubia” to the Pope. These cardinals are usually experts in theology and doctrine and may do so to seek an official response or statement from the Pope. The Process: The process of presenting a “Dubia” to the Pope usually involves writing a formal letter in which the cardinals lay out the specific question or doubt about doctrine or theology. This letter is then delivered to the Pope through appropriate ecclesiastical channels. The Pope’s Response: The Pope can decide whether he responds to the “Dubia” and, if he does, provide an official response through a statement or letter. This response is considered authoritative within the Catholic Church and serves to clarify the official position on a controversial theological or doctrinal issue.
#Dubia #cardinals #doctrine #discipline #Church #unsatisfactory #answers #Pope #Francis

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