Due to lack of quorum Parlasur could not deal with the request for expulsion of “Pepín” Rodríguez Simón | Pro-government and opposition deputies from that body signed documents for him to appear before Argentine justice

by time news

2023-05-29 21:28:58

Parlasur had planned this Monday to discuss the removal order of the judicial and parliamentary operator of Together for Change Fabián “Pepín” Rodríguez Simónfugitive in Uruguay since 2020, but could not do so due to lack of quorum.

To expel Rodríguez Simón, 77 affirmative votes were needed, but the number of parliamentarians present, less than that number, only allowed the body to vote on draft declarations.

The 86th ordinary session of Parlasur inaugurated the presidency in charge of the parliamentarian of the Frente de Todos Cecilia Britto, first woman to direct the regional legislative body.

Meanwhile, Argentine parliamentarians from Mercosur signed a request for the former judicial advisor Fabián “Pepín” Rodríguez Simón Appear before the Argentine Federal Justice in the case that investigates the setting up of a judicial table that pressured businessmen, including those of the Indalo Group. The alleged persecution of judges and prosecutors during the management of Together for Change (2015-2019) is also being investigated.

“A project entered through the parliamentary secretariat where most of the political forces in Argentina, with the exception of one parliamentarian, are urging parliamentarian Rodríguez Simón to appear before the courts of his country“said the president of the Mercosur Parliament (Parlasur), the deputy of the Frente de Todos (FdT) Cecilia Britto.

Although it was one of the items on the agenda of the 86th. ordinary session, Britto explained to Télam that the expulsion of Rodríguez Simón was once again postponed because there were not enough legislators to deal with the measure.

“We got them to sign an application for appear in 10 days before the Justice”, He added about the event that took place today at noon in the city of Montevideo.

Between them is the signature of the deputy of Together for Change (JxC) María Luisa Storani, who remarked during her dissertation that Justice “is not good for some and bad for others” but that “everyone” must submit to it.

“We ask that Rodríguez Simón appear before the Argentine Justice,” Storani stressed. The also vice president of the Radical Civic Union (UCR) assured that “there was no number” of parliamentarians to discuss his expulsion.

For his part, the FdT deputy Gaston Harispe He asked that his dismissal “be taken into account for the next sessions.”

“A request for dismissal weighs on him that awaits to be dealt with when there is an aggravated majority quorum,” Harispe said on his networks. Julia Perié, a parliamentarian from that same party, also called for the expulsion of the former judicial adviser.

“This Parlasur has to have more and more institutionality, more representativeness so I think that characters like ‘Pepín’ Rodríguez Simón who should be expelled denigrate Parlasur“, he claimed.

Session of the Parlasur

During the time of free interventions, parliamentarians from Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina took the floor to warn about the weakness of democracy in the region and the importance of parliamentarians being elected by popular voteas will happen next October in Argentina, unlike the recent elections in Paraguay.

I also know condemned the “ban” of Vice President Cristina Kirchnerthe situation that Ecuador and Peru are going through, and the presence of a delegation from Venezuela was welcomed, seeking to regularize their situation by incorporating parliamentarians into the regional body.

In addition, the parliamentarians called for unity in the region, not only commercially but also politically, to establish regional resource defense strategies, a call that coincides with the meeting of heads of state of Unasur to be held tomorrow in Brazil.

Pepín Rodríguez Simón is still a fugitive

It has been more than two years since the judicial operator of the macrismo Fabián “Pepín” Rodríguez Simón has been a fugitive of Argentine justice, with an international arrest warrant. At the beginning of March, a journalistic team from the channel C5N he was able to film it during his long and comfortable stay in Uruguay. They found him walking in the streets of Punta del Este, in the area known as “La Barra”, where he owns a house.

The former adviser and judicial operator of Mauricio Macri has remained on Uruguayan soil since December 2020, the country where Parlasur is also headquartered. Federal Judge María Servini de Cubría He charged him as part of the Cambiemos judicial table that “by means of harassment and financial drowning” he persecuted the Indalo Group during the Macrista administration.

Servini summoned him for an investigative statement and on May 19, 2021 declared him in absentia, after Rodríguez Simón announced that he would remain in Uruguay and his decision not to appear for the investigation in the case he is investigating. The judge pointed out when declaring him in absentia that “Pepín” gave “plenty of public demonstrations of his intention to evade Justice, which was ratified by his defense lawyer”, who defined the strategy of requesting political refuge in Uruguay as a delaying maneuver.

On May 25, 2021, the Uruguayan justice received the warrant from the Argentine judge requesting the immediate arrest and extradition of “Pepín”, who the following day established his domicile in Uruguay and reported that had started the process before the Commission for Refugees (CORE) with the aim of being considered a “political refugee”, a request that was rejected in all judicial instancesdespite a new delay from Rodríguez’s defense.

What the Refugee Commission said

On August 3 of last year, after listening to Rodríguez Simón, the CORE concluded that the fear of being “politically persecuted” was unfounded and that he did not meet the requirements to be recognized as a refugee since in Argentina he has all the guarantees of due process.

On December 23, 2021, based on that report, criminal judge Adriana Chamsarián ordered “reject the refugee application”, decision confirmed on June 17, 2022 by the Court of Criminal Appeals of Montevideo. That decision was appealed by the defense of the macrista operator and was rejected by the Supreme Court of Uruguay.

Despite this decision, Rodríguez Simón continues on Uruguayan soil without being extradited, with his passport seized by the Uruguayan authorities and with the provision of a “border closure” for his departure, which in case of crossing legal borders should submit to Argentine justice for the declared Interpol red alert.

It is that the defense of the judicial operator of Macrismo presented a second request for refuge on December 7 that is still being processed, taking as arguments of political persecution the mentions made about him by Vice President Cristina Kirchner — in her response to the sentence for the Cause of Roads– and also the political trial that was initiated against the Supreme Court in the Chamber of Deputies, where Rodríguez Simón appears mentioned in some files.

“New facts that clearly prove the political persecution suffered by my client,” he called them Jorge Díaz, Rodríguez Simón’s lawyer, who maintained that this second refugee claim pending stops the criminal extradition process.

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