Due to the strengthening of punishment for school violence, the number of complaints procedures has increased in the past 3 years

by time news
Because the perpetrator delayed the final disposition for reasons such as substitution

As the number of administrative judgments and lawsuits related to school violence has increased significantly over the past three years, it has been found that the number of cases of disobeying such decisions is also increasing. As the government announces its policy to strengthen punishment for perpetrators of school violence in regular college admissions, taking the fall of the son of former head of the National Investigation Headquarters Jeong Sun-shin as an opportunity, such cases of disobedience are expected to increase.

According to the data submitted by Justice Party lawmaker Lee Eun-joo from the Ministry of Education on the 26th, ‘the current status of the number of administrative judgments and lawsuits against school violence by year for the past 3 years (2020-2022 school year)’, the number of administrative judgment requests by perpetrator students during this period was 2077, administrative litigation The number of claims was counted at 575. During the same period, the number of administrative judgment and lawsuit claims by victims of school violence was 1014 and 64, respectively, representing 11-49% of the number of perpetrators’ claims.

Ministry of Education, Sejong Government Complex, Eojin-dong, Sejong City. newsis

According to the Ministry of Education, if an incident of violence between classmates occurs at a school site related to school violence, the school must open a school violence countermeasures committee and issue a disposition. Students who have objections to such school dispositions can go to court, such as requesting an administrative judgment to the Office of Education Administrative Judgment Committee or filing a lawsuit with the Administrative Court. It is also possible to apply for suspension of enforcement to suspend the measures for school violence while administrative judgments and lawsuits are in progress.

Legal disputes related to school violence have been on the rise for the past three years. The number of administrative judgment claims by perpetrator students increased 1.8 times in three years from 478 in 2020 to 731 in 2021 and 868 in 2022. Administrative litigation claims by perpetrators also increased 2.4 times from 109 cases to 201 cases and 265 cases during the same period.

The same goes for the number of administrative appeals filed by victim students. From 175 cases in 2020 to 392 cases in 2021 and 447 cases in 2022, an increase of 2.6 times in 3 years. The number of administrative lawsuits filed by victims was 5, 25, and 34 during the same period.

What should be noted is that during this period, the number of students who went through the objection process to prevent disadvantages in the entrance exam, such as writing in the school record book (student book), increased significantly. The number of applications for suspension of execution by perpetrators of administrative judgments and lawsuits related to school violence increased from 346 in 2020 to 553 in 2021 and 649 in 2022. The number of applications for suspension of execution by the victim was relatively small, with around 20 cases, 10, 21, and 15 during the same period.

The citation rate for suspension of execution in administrative judgments and lawsuits filed by them was 53.0 (administrative judgment) to 62.1% (administrative litigation) for offending students, and 17.1 (administrative judgment) to 60.0% (administrative litigation) for victim students. . This reflects the intention to delay the legal process related to school violence as much as possible so as not to be disadvantaged in college admissions.

As the Ministry of Education recently decided to reflect measures against school violence in college admissions, such complaint procedures are expected to increase. Experts point out that if the number of complaints related to school violence increases, the number of cases of secondary damage will inevitably increase as victims are not properly protected and disposition is delayed. Rep. Lee Eun-joo said, “The citation rate for suspension of execution by perpetrator students is over 50%.” ”he emphasized.

Senior Reporter Song Min-seop [email protected]

[ⓒ 세계일보 & Segye.com, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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