Dupond-Moretti and the far right, the permanent confrontation of the best enemies

by time news

Eric Dupond-Moretti has one regret: he would have liked to celebrate ” in its own way “ the 50th anniversary of the National Front, which became National Rally (RN) in 2018. He would have loved to attend the conference organized for the occasion, in October, by the far-right party. Sitting behind his desk at the Ministry of Justice on a freezing day in December, alternating coffees and cigarettes, the Keeper of the Seals imagines his speech with a certain gluttony: “50 is an important age… I would have talked about the parents [il cite Jean-Marie Le Pen et les cofondateurs issus de la Collaboration] ; friends, Frédéric Chatillon, Axel Loustau, Philippe Péninque [tous anciens du GUD, un groupuscule étudiant d’extrême droite radicale, et tous proches de Marine Le Pen], by Dieudonne [qui fut proche de Jean-Marie Le Pen]. » He would also have returned to “half a century of anti-Semitic, racist and xenophobic declarations”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Rupture in form but continuity in substance: how the National Front became the National Rally

The ace ! He was not invited by the RN. So he catches up. Especially in the National Assembly. Since his appointment in 2020, he is the member of the government who has gone the most to clash with the far right, all the more since the legislative elections of June, after which 89 Lepenist deputies entered the Palais-Bourbon . Each debate is an opportunity for him to strike a few blows. Thus, at the end of October, just after the murder of Lola, he castigates those who, on the right and on the extreme right, use “from the coffin of a 12-year-old girl to make a stepping stone”.

The last exchange – strong – took place on December 6 during the debate on migration policy. It is late, the Minister of Justice is a priori not concerned, but he wanted to be present. He quotes Eric Zemmour, challenges the three RN deputies still present, mentions in passing the legal troubles of their colleague Edwige Diaz (Gironde), suspected of fictitious employment in the European Parliament. No question of passing for an “angelic” or a “lax” and offering a catch to his best enemies; he “takes over” the expression whose spirit was popularized by Nicolas Sarkozy: “France, we love it or we leave it. »

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But if he assumes this expression, it is to better counter-attack. At the end of his speech, he thus reads passages from an old article from 1935 aimed at Italian immigrants. “It’s not a paper Current values », begins the Keeper of the Seals ironically. Then, taking care to put the tonic accents in the right place for the Italian surnames: “Will you please be the messenger of these words to Mr. Jacobelli and Mr. Bardella? You would make me happy. » Laurent Jacobelli is spokesperson for the RN, Jordan Bardella is its president.

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