Dupont-Aignan announces a list “Debout la France” to the Europeans

by time news

2023-06-18 13:52:00

L’ex-sovereigntist presidential candidate Nicolas Dupont-Aignan announced on Sunday that there would be a “Debout la France” list for the Europeans of June 2024, for “the independence of the country”.

“There will be a Debout la France list, a sovereignist, Gaullist list, for the independence of the country”, he explained in the political program of Europe 1 / les Echos / Cnews.

This decision on a list was taken on Saturday in the National Council, and a project will be presented on September 30.

But the deputy of Essonne does not want “not necessarily to lead it”. “I would like it to be another personality,” he explained, adding that Florian Philippot, president of the Patriots, could participate, as well as the philosopher Michel Onfray.

According to him, “there is no one today who goes to the cause of the problem and says that if we do not manage to solve the problems of security, immigration, unemployment, purchasing power, Ecology is because France has lost all independence and all freedom of action”.

“The RN no longer says it,” he added, “there is not a coherent project for the liberation of France today on the political spectrum”.

“If we want to restore security and control immigration, we must restore the border posts”, he also declared, because “if we no longer want to have our country’s throat cut, we must react, we must borders”.

Mr. Dupont-Aignan also virulently attacks Emmanuel Macron, claiming to have “nausea” in the face of “this man who sells off France, who allows France to be plundered by oligarchs, who submits to a European supranational authority, who abandoned an independent foreign policy, which ridiculed France abroad”.

He suspects him of wanting to “succeed” Ms. Von der Leyen “after her presidency”.

18/06/2023 13:51:39 – Paris (AFP) – © 2023 AFP

#DupontAignan #announces #list #Debout #France #Europeans

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