Dupont-Aignan wants a “coalition of patriots” with Le Pen, Philippot, Lassalle and Onfray

by time news

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan wants to rebuild certain alliances on the political spectrum. The former sovereignist presidential candidate said on Saturday that he hoped to form a “coalition of patriots” with Marine Le Pen, Florian Philippot, Jean Lassalle and the philosopher Michel Onfray.

“The union of the rights is not possible, since Macron represents a liberal right with Les Républicains. (…) But on the other hand the union, the coalition of patriots on the right of course, on the left, and of those who are neither on the right nor on the left and who are the 99% of France” is desirable, he added. he declared before the national council of his party, Debout la France.

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Referring to “a new approach”, the non-attached deputy judged that the challenge was, around the project of “reconstructed independence”, to “create a coalition because we alone, Debout la France, are not there. will not happen”.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan had obtained 2.06% of the votes in the first round in 2022, for his third candidacy for the presidential election. In 2017, he reached an agreement after the first round with Marine Le Pen, the latter announcing that she would appoint him to Matignon if elected. Many Debout la France executives have since joined the National Rally, particularly ahead of the 2022 presidential election.

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To carry out his idea, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan also explained that he contacted his “partners” to explain to them that “the French say ‘I don’t understand, Mr. Dupont-Aignan. Mr. Philippot said the same thing. Mr. Onfray, who comes from the left, says the same thing. Monsieur Lassalle, in his own way, says the same thing. Madame Le Pen sometimes, often, says the same thing. Monsieur (Laurent) Wauquiez sometimes says the same thing, but does exactly the reverse” “.

“I persist in thinking that if the political world had a little courage, it would vote for a motion of censure against this despicable government which is in the process of destroying France”, he insisted, judging it possible that in the event of dissolution “a great patriotic coalition could win a majority in the National Assembly. »

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