Durek Verrett contract contains “touching of genitalia”

by time news

ENGAGED: Durek Verrett will marry Princess Märtha Louise in Geiranger in August 2024. Photo: Frode Hansen / VG

This is only to protect himself against unreasonable lawsuits, he himself tells Dagbladet Børsen.

yesterday at 12:12 p.m

Durek Verrett (49), Princess Märtha Louise’s (52) fiancé, is a self-proclaimed shaman.

Before you can book an appointment with Verrett, you must, according to The daily Børsen accept both a non-disclosure agreement and a health declaration. It states that the agreement is governed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state of California, and is binding on parties in the United States and “worldwide”.

Under the latter declaration, it states, among other things:

“You expressly consent to all treatments, methods and techniques that Shaman Durek must perform in your session as determined by him. This includes, but is not limited to, physical touch, energy healing, release of toxins (which may cause a physical reaction such as crying, vomiting, yawning, laughing, coughing, noise emission, screaming, etc.), energetic input or physical touching of the genitals yours or electric shock treatment in the spine”.

In the declaration, which VG has seen, it also appears that Verrett can terminate the treatment if the person behaves inappropriately.

Dagbladet has been in contact with Durek Verrett, who says the following:

– First of all – I don’t touch people’s genitals. But during some sessions I have to work on the lymphatic system, which is located in the lower groin area. It is near the genitals and my lawyer advised me to include this to protect myself. You know – some people are very eager to sue in the United States. I have spoken to my lawyer many times about removing that bit, because it sounds so crazy, but she says it should be there for her own protection, Verrett explains to Børsen.

VG has been in contact with Verrett’s manager, who states that Verrett has nothing more to elaborate on the matter.

Erling Johan Hjelmeng, professor at the University of Oslo, tells VG that it is not unusual to see examples where various companies based in the USA take contract terms with them and present them to Norwegian customers.

– An example that I can think of and that I reacted to was a case about a trampoline park, which had a standard contract where you had to accept the risk of death. The contract was changed, because it was realized that you don’t operate like that in Norway.

Hjelmeng adds that the threshold for suing is lower in the USA, and says that it is common to have extensive disclaimers in American contracts.

– If he tries to use this contract in Norway, it will not be binding on the customer in any way. We have rules that protect people from themselves when it comes to what they can commit to in an agreement. According to Norwegian law, there is no need for such a declaration, if he stays within the framework of proper treatment. Giving prior consent to the touching of the genitals will not be binding under Norwegian law.

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