Dussopt opens the door to an extension of the system to medium-sized companies

by time news

The Minister of Labor said he was in favor on Wednesday that this device also concerns “companies of a smaller size, with more than 50 employees for example”.

After a record day of mobilization on Tuesday against the pension reform, the government seems ready to let go of certain points of the text. In particular on the famousindex seniors“, intended to encourage companies to keep their oldest employees. It will be mandatory from this year for companies with more than 1,000 employees, a threshold lowered to 300 employees in 2024.

«Many MEPs want it not only companies with more than 300 employees to be affected, but smaller companies, with more than 50 employees for example. You have to watch it, see how we can articulate this“, declared the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt on France 2 this Wednesday.

SEE ALSO – Pensions: Elisabeth Borne announces the creation of a senior index

But the minister is drawing a red line. It’s necessary “a measurement tool that is not a monster of administration and paperwork for businesses“, he launched. This tool, whose component indicators have not yet been defined, should not bea sea of ​​administration and red tape“, he repeated afterwards. “The debate next week in the hemicycle should allow us to move forward“, he added, in reference to the discussion on the reform in the National Assembly which should start Monday, February 6.

The executive “open” to proposals

In addition, Olivier Dussopt has not ruled out more restrictive provisions concerning this index, for which recalcitrant employers will be liable to financial penalties. “If the company does not play the game, can we not foresee something that obliges it to do so, in a second time? Maybe it’s a track that needs to be explored.“, he said.

His colleague from Public Accounts Gabriel Attal, invited to France Inter a few minutes later, also considered that the employment of seniors was “a real debate, which will take place in Parliament». «We are very open to all proposals on the employment of seniors, and why not in a more restrictive way“, he said.

SEE ALSO – Pensions: unions call for new mobilizations on February 7 and 11

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