Dutch Cancer Society: nail polish dryer possibly unsafe

by time news

KWF Cancer Control wants people who use nail polish dryers for gel polish to be aware of the ultraviolet A light that often comes out. That may be harmful and increase the risk of skin cancer, the organization fears. How unsafe the dryers may be still needs to be investigated, but the KWF wants to point out the possible risks just to be on the safe side.

That says a spokeswoman after a message from RTL Nieuws. The reason is a study by scientists in San Diego, USA, which was published in the scientific journal Nature. It points to the possibility that skin cancer can develop with prolonged use of the nail polish dryers and that DNA damage and mutations in cells have been found in mammals after irradiation with a nail polish dryer.

However, the KWF emphasizes that it is not yet clear at what frequency and duration the use of such a device becomes really risky.

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By: Editorial

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