843,542 people were registered as unemployed in the register of the Public Employment Service (DYPA) in August 2024, recording a decrease of -54,001 people (-6%) compared to August 2023 and a decrease of -5,060 people (-0 .6%) compared to July 2024.

According to the DYPA registered unemployment statistics, out of a total of 843,542 people, 453,306 people (53.7%) are registered in the DYPA register for a period equal to or longer than 12 months and 390,236 (46.3% ) are registered in the DYPA register for a period of less than 12 months.

Men amounted to 263,599 people (31.2% rate) and women amounted to 579,943 people (68.8% rate).

The 30-44 age group gathered the largest number of registered unemployed among the age categories, which amounted to 277,787 people (32.9% rate).

The educational level of secondary education, which includes post-secondary educationcollected the largest number of registered unemployed among educational levels, which amounted to 377,714 people (44.8% rate).

Among the Regions of the country, the Region of Attica and the Region of Central Macedonia presented the largest number registered unemployed, which amounted to 303,543 people (36% rate) and 168,369 people (20% rate) respectively.

The data on the subsidized unemployed

The total number of subsidized unemployed, in August 2024, (refers to the number of beneficiaries paid within the corresponding month), amounted to 176,931 people, of which 170,571 (96.4%) are common unemployed and other categories of subsidized unemployed and 6,360 (3.6%) are seasonal tourist occupations.

In particular, the number of subsidized unemployed, in August 2024, reached 176,931 people, showing an increase of 32,511 people (22.5%) compared to the corresponding month of 2023 and an increase of 37,807 people (27.2%) compared to the previous month of July 2024.

Men amounted to 54,586 (percentage of 30.9%) and women to 122,345 (percentage of 69.1%).

Of the total number of subsidized unemployed, 132,917 (percentage 75.1%) are common, 1,760 (percentage 1%) are builders, 6,360 (percentage 3.6%) are seasonal in tourism occupations, 1,072 (percentage 0.6%) are seasonal other (rural), 34,535 (19.5% rate) are teachers and 287 (0.2% rate) are other.

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