The official opening of a branch of the Vocational School (EPAS) of Elefsina Apprenticeship DOUBLE in Syros, with the specialty “Shipbuilding Industry Technician”, announced on Thursday at the ONEX facilities in Syros the general manager of ONEX Neorion Shipyards, Ioannis Vamvakousis, and the deputy manager of DYPA, Gianna Hormova, in the presence of executives of ONEX Shipyards and DYPA.

The new initiative expands the DYPA-ONEX cooperation, following the signing of a memorandum in November 2022, in the context of which, during the last school year, two specialties operated at the EPAS of Elefsina.

The DYPA-ONEX partnership enabled 17 apprentice “shipbuilding industry technicians” and 13 apprentice “electrical system support technicians” to carry out their apprenticeship (on the job training) at the facilities of Shipyards of ONEX, thus gaining experience in real working conditions.

DYPA, having set as its priority to upgrade professional education, methodically records the needs of businesses as well as local communities and strengthens its collaborations with social partners, universities and businesses.

The aim of these initiatives is the appropriate adaptation of study programs, as well as the creation of new departments and specializations that provide quality studies for professions in high demand in the labor market. In this way, it seeks to ensure graduates employment prospects in stable and well-paid jobs, which will match their professional aspirations.

The general manager of ONEX Neorion Shipyards, Ioannis Vamvakousis, said in this regard: “The Group’s cooperation with DYPA successfully started from the ONEX Shipyards in Elefsina, giving the participants the opportunity to acquire proficiency in a sector of high demand and immediate professional rehabilitation.

The program provides paid practical work at ONEX Shipyards and full insurance for apprentices. For the first time, the program will also include a food and housing subsidy for the non-Syrian apprentices, thus ensuring a generally supportive environment for all.

The comparative cooperation is a very important initiative for the preservation and continuation of very demanding professions, but also the professional rehabilitation of people who wish to become part of one of the most historic and important industries of the country.

ONEX is committed to contributing substantially to the evolution and development of young professionals in the sector, but also to strengthening the local community of Syros. We truly believe that such initiatives prove to be beneficial for the place itself as they attract people, strengthening the area economically and socially.

We thank DYPA for its trust and cooperation and we look forward to welcoming the first apprentices to our Shipyards and Syros”.

For her part, the deputy director of DYPA, Gianna Hormova, noted: “The operation of the new EPAS Elefsina branch in Syros marks the expansion of our cooperation with the ONEX Group, as well as the further connection of our Schools with the needs of the blue economy in our country.

It also reflects the determination with which we respond to the needs of local communities, as we document them throughout Greece. Already, in just one school year, 30 young people from two technical specialties, who are now in their second year at EPAS Elefsina, did their apprenticeship at ONEX Shipyards, gaining valuable work experience.

In the same direction, the operation of the specialty of “shipbuilding industry technician” at the branch of EPAS in Syros, is going to give young people a way out for their studies, but also the possibility to find a stable job in their country after graduation”.

EPAS are aimed at young people aged 15-29, who have completed compulsory education (at least a high school diploma). 77% of young people who complete their studies at DYPA EPAS (8 out of 10), find a job within 12 months of graduation.

Those interested can submit an application for admission to the Apprenticeship Vocational Schools (EPAS) of the Public Employment Service (DYPA) through, at the relevant e-mail.

All information on the EPAS and SAEK of DYPA, whose registrations remain open, at new website of the Schools.

More about the actions and collaborations of DYPA, at her website.

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