Dys on Dys | FranceEvening

by time news

2023-09-20 17:10:39

EDITED – Perhaps this is the mark you will give me for this editorial… if you deign to forgive me the fact, that with my play on words in the title, I am only continuing a tradition of the Parisian press. This is therefore not a malfunction on my part, quite the contrary.

The talented Pierre Desproges, both psychotic and neurotic, defined himself in these contradictory words as “intellectually dyslexic”:

A psychotic is someone who is convinced that two and two make five, and who is completely satisfied with it. Whereas, conversely, a neurotic is someone who knows full well that two and two make four, and that makes him sick.!”

The origin of the word dys is borrowed from Greek dis . Dys means negation, but also means malformation, difficulty, bad, erroneous, etc.

Dys gives a pejorative value to words that have it as a root, particularly in the medical field. When dys is used alone, it refers to learning disorders with the prefix dys (which is why they are called dys disorders).

According to a 2019 article from Inserm, 15 to 20% of students face learning disorders, and 5 to 7% of children have a learning disorder. “Learning disability” is a phrase that itself can be… troubling, since learning is a staple of the craft sector. So, are students gifted in intellectual academic learning who have problems learning manual trades victims of learning disorders? Don’t we say that some of them are awkward or clumsy? It would therefore be appropriate to qualify the notion of learning in order to avoid any pejorative connotation.

The best known dyslexia is dyslexia, defined as a disorder in the acquisition of reading and spelling, and classified as a neurological disease. The current state of science shows new advances in genetic factors which may be at the origin of this disorder.

“Three studies conducted by a global consortium and published in the journals Molecular Psychiatry, PNAS etNature Genetics uncover several dozen genes associated with dyslexia and reading skills. These analyzes carried out on a large number of participants made it possible to detect the first genetic variations associated with dyslexia and reading skills in genes involved in the development of brain areas involved in language” (source: CNRS)

Further research are studying a link with the microbiota.

A recent Opinion Way survey (2022) commissioned by the company Lily for Life (manufacturer of a special lamp for dyslexics), tells us that 6 to 8% of students present with a dys disorder. However, 58% of French people surveyed do not feel well informed on this subject. I understand them. We can also legitimately wonder why the National Education system gives birth to “a lot of people” so many dyslexics…

The entrepreneur Charles Gave has adopted the theory according to which the operating principle of National Education for 40 years has consisted of deliberately producing uneducated people, ignoring the essential skills that must be mastered: reading, writing, counting, speak French. Hence the term he coined and replaced that of democracy to specify what France has become today: a “medocracy”.

Worse: the “dysciples” of Charles Gave add that this degeneration affects the entire administration, to such an extent that we are again entitled to wonder if it is not the government which organizes dysfunctions… The fact remains that electricians electrify, plumbers connect and bakers knead the dough. So many manual professions towards which students who do not meet the level required by National Education, based on the intelligence quotient, are quickly oriented… However, having completed higher education has never guaranteed success or ability to make the right decision. You still need to have a little common sense and critical thinking. Didier Audebert, journalist, even proposed the utility quotient as an additional, or even alternative, metric in his book (Utility Quotient – ​​Let’s become more useful every day!Guy Trédaniel, 2021).

Who, in concreto, is the judge of what is correct or dys? Standard. The established standard. Therefore, since he himself constantly repeats that he is extraordinary, Emmanuel Macron can be considered dys. But what?

Many of his fiercest opponents think he is “dystout.” And it is clear that President Macron’s record is catastrophic in many areas. This is evidenced by the increase in prices which creates growing disparities between social classes.

Macron the “dystout”: the complete opposite of Richard Branson, founder of the British group Virgin, who made his dyslexia an asset: dyslexic thinking. As reported in a study carried out by Made by Dyslexia, the Anglo-Saxons are also ahead in the involvement of dys in their intelligence services in order to contribute to solving complex problems through their visualization and shape recognition.

The site Dys-positif.fr even lists the famous dys: Winston Churchill, Steven Spielberg, Albert Einstein, Johnny Hallyday, Tom Cruise, Agatha Christie and Leonardo da Vinci rub shoulders in this brilliant club.

Could it be because what is considered a dysfunction by the norm is erased from the CVs of leaders who try to hide their condition from adulthood? Or could it be because our education only accepts people who meet current standards? At the risk of subsequently having to put in place social responsibility and integration programs, the “outliers”, those who are outside the norm, several standard deviations from the average, are very often singled out. During the recent health crisis, “dys-norms” were called conspirators, “dys-intelligent”, and yet history proves them right on many points. Were we in a dystopia when Pythagoras and Aristotle hypothesized that the earth was not flat and shed light on science?

A book “Dys, Dare to shine”, to be published, asks this question: is it not time in France to take another look at dyslexia in organizations?

We attribute to people suffering from this disorder qualities of innovation and creativity which would be very useful at a time when progress is at a standstill in our country. And thereby avoid constant stigmatization of people who oppose each other, as we have seen over the last three years: between the antis and the haves, only the letter n separates them! In the theory of magnetism, opposites attract (+ attracts -) and like repel. Accepting the diversity of points of view and skills ensures that all functions are well fulfilled in society.

To conclude with the news and the return of Covid and its Eris variant, let us recall that in 2005 the dwarf planet Eris saw its moon named Dysnomia. Dysnomia was the Greek goddess, daughter of Eris who means social, civil and institutional disorder. It was commonly accompanied by Injustice (Adicia), Fatality (Até) and Excessiveness (Hybris).

I guess you understand me… not five out of five but ten out of ten…

#Dys #Dys #FranceEvening

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