dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. How to recognize and manage DSA- time.news

by time news
from Elena Meli

Teachers and parents are the “watchmen” who usually feel the presence of Specific Learning Disorders. We talk about it on the Corriere Salute on newsstands for free with the Corriere on Thursday 8 September

We are publishing a preview of an article in the new Corriere Salute. You can read the full text on the free issue on newsstands Thursday 8 September or in Pdf on the Digital Edition of the Corriere della Sera.

It is one of the specific learning disorders that worry many parents, affects at least 180,000 children in Italy and can make the school path bumpy and uphill, but dyslexia could be an advantage for the human species. It seems a provocation but it is the hypothesis of an English researcher, Helen Taylor of the University of Cambridge, who recently explained her theory of complementary cognition in Frontiers in Psychology: according to her studies, our ancestors evolved to specialize in different but complementary ways of thinking, which would have favored the ability to adapt to the demands of the environment through social cooperation between individuals. These cognitive specializations are mainly of two types, the ability to exploit acquired knowledge and exploration in search of new information: the success of an individual but also of a society depends on the balance between these two different approaches to the world and, according to Taylor, dyslexics «have a greater tendency to explore and more difficulty in tasks that require the exploitation of known data, such as reading and writing; it is no coincidence that many people with dyslexia choose professions in which it is necessary to have a propensity for novelty such as the arts or architecture, or they manifest creative and innovative thinking. A vision of dyslexia that considers it only as a deficit does not take into account the peculiarities and strengths of these people, which instead exist and how “.

In short, some learning disabilities would be the expression of a different way of thinking that, in some contexts, it turns out to be anything but limiting and Antonella Costantino, director of the Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry Unit of the Policlinico di Milano agrees, according to which “it is necessary that with respect to the child with a of neurodevelopment his parents and his teachers understand that his brain “works” in a different way: not because of a fault or lack of commitment but simply because it is, his circuits are those. It is true for learning disorders but also for other neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism or attention deficit hyperactivity: understanding this means reducing the prejudice and stigma towards the child and really helping him, learning all together to manage the child. better his specific problem in the school, family and relationship context “.

You can continue reading the article in Corriere Salute on newsstands for free on Thursday 8 September or in Pdf in the Digital Edition of Corriere della Sera.

September 6, 2022 (change September 6, 2022 | 18:07)

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