E-bike in Amsterdam: maximum speed 20 km/h

by time news

Amsterdam wants to reduce the maximum speed of electric bicycles to 20 kilometers per hour to improve road safety in the city, says NOS. Cycle lanes are becoming increasingly busy with electric vehicles and speed differences on the lane are increasing, making it particularly dangerous for children and the elderly, writes Het Parool.

Traffic commissioner Melanie van der Horst therefore wants to reduce the speed for “electric cyclists” to 20 kilometers per hour.

The municipality also wants to introduce a pilot project to move ‘faster’ cyclists onto the road: by the end of this year, the maximum speed for most of Amsterdam’s roads will be 30km/h. The e-bikes must therefore respect the same maximum speed on those roads.

The e-bike remains popular in the Netherlands. Of the 855,000 bikes sold new in 2022, 486,000 were electric. The share of e-bikes, both in numbers and in turnover, has been on the rise for 10 consecutive years, trade association Bovag said.

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