e-Commerce, 2022 will be the year of Livestream shopping

by time news

Livestream shopping is confirmed as a successful trend in digital commerce also for 2022. Born in China as an entertainment format for streamer fans, Livestream Shopping has also landed in Italy, bringing in the year just ended a disruptive impact on online sales as the conversion rate can be five times higher than traditional digital sales. . And the estimate is + 669% on the sales of e-commerce that have embraced the model.

So more and more Italian companies are implementing Livestream Shopping in their business model, live broadcasts on social networks – such as Facebook, on the marketplace but also on the e-commerce site of the store, thanks to which the user can purchase the products shown by the ‘streamer’ during the live itself. To put numbers and successes on the table thanks to Livestream Shopping was the new B2B platform of Livestream Shopping ‘Marlene’, developed by Flyer Tech, which took stock of the Bath & Body Works store at its first live online sales session.

The store manager of Bath & Body Works in Milan, in via Torino, together with a colleague, in less than an hour they managed to show 11 products and their characteristics by responding instantly to the numerous questions and reactions in chat posed by the participants. In this way, the ‘digital buyers’ were able to interact directly with the orders as if they were in the physical store in person. Flyer Tech found that the live show led to an “intense” public relationship with the streamers who, in turn, managed to create “a nice exchange” with their community: one of the keys to success for this type of live broadcast.

In addition to the technology of the platform, – in this case Marlene – at the base of Livestream Shopping there is in fact the streamer as a determining factor of the success of a live, together with the setting of the right strategy.

“A winning strategy takes into consideration various elements, from the creation of a well-studied calendar – for programming live shows on the right occasions – to choose the products to show and promotions to reserve during the live shows. In setting the strategy, the establishment of the right partnerships with the influencers and streamers most able to create and cultivate a community cannot be missing “explained Marianna Chillau, CEO and co-founder of Marlene and Transactionale, as well as President and founder of 4eCom, Association of digital solutions in the world of e-commerce.

The Marlene platform has recently published the data relating to the organized sales session per Bath & Body Works directly on the store website noting that with the live – exclusive and reserved only to a part of the shop customers and with a strong discount – in just 55 minutes hundreds of users landed simultaneously on the live broadcast hosted by the brand, and the Conversion rate during and in the hours following the live has more than doubled.

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