E-Learnings, Masterclasses, and Workshops for Healthcare Professionals in Paramedical and Psychosocial Oncology

by time news

2023-06-22 09:56:39

There is a diversity of education programs, training courses and workshops for healthcare professionals within paramedical and psychosocial oncology. These programs are often intended for a specific target group and are offered through the relevant professional organizations and educational institutions. The programs are also usually visible in the quality registers.

E-learnings and masterclasses for nurses

In order to support nurse(s) (specialists) in guiding patients in dealing with the physical, psychological and social consequences of cancer, IKNL and the V&VN Oncology, on behalf of the National Consultative Body for Paramedical and Psychosocial Oncology (LOPPSOZ), in collaboration with Noordhoff, have developed a number of developed e-learnings and masterclasses (in collaboration with Vestalia).

E-learning, master class and deepening Psychosocial care

With the e-learning, masterclass and the in-depth masterclass Psychosocial care for patients with cancer, nurse(s) (specialists) gain knowledge and skills to further develop their psychosocial care.
The e-learning and masterclasses cover the following topics:

detecting the need for psychosocial care at an early stage, as described in the revised guideline Detecting the need for psychosocial care conducting the conversation with the support of a signaling instrument basic psychosocial care, including advice referring to specialized appropriate care and support, using various instruments.

E-learning Exercise in cancer

For people with cancer, it is desirable that they are made aware of the importance of exercise and the possibilities it offers at an early stage. The e-learning Exercise for Cancer has been developed to provide nurse(s) (specialists) with tools in this regard. The e-learning Exercise in cancer deals with the following topics:

benefits of exercise for patients during the different phases of cancer providing exercise advice detecting obstacles and barriers for patients to move or start exercising motivating and advising patients about exercise in cancer referring patients to specialized care

E-learning Intimacy and sexuality in cancer

People with cancer can experience intimacy and sexuality differently due to cancer and/or the consequences of the treatment. Nurses have an important role in informing and guiding the patient through these changes. The e-learning Intimacy and sexuality in cancer has been developed to provide nurses with tools in this regard. The e-learning covers the following topics:

influence of cancer (treatment) on intimacy and sexuality making intimacy and sexuality a subject for discussion giving advice on changes in intimacy and sexuality referring patients to specialized care

E-learning Cancer and work

As a nurse, how do you ensure that attention is paid to work from the moment of diagnosis? Do you have sufficient knowledge and expertise to discuss this with a patient? The Cancer and Work e-learning has been developed to help nurses discuss this with the patient. The e-learning covers the following topics:

factors influencing work laws and regulations discuss work nursing interventions that contribute to retention of and return to work provide advice on work-related referral options

E-learning Nutrition in cancer

Nutrition is important during and after cancer treatment, recovery, stabilization and physical well-being. As a nurse, how do you ensure that you pay sufficient attention to this? The e-learning Nutrition in cancer has been developed to help nurses to discuss this with the patient. The e-learning covers the following topics:

Importance of healthy food as part of a healthy lifestyle in cancer. Importance of a healthy lifestyle in cancer. Identifying (the risk of developing) nutritional problems. Talk to the patient. ​Referring to specialized additional (professional) psychosocial care.

E-learning Psychosocial consequences of not being able to eat

As part of the project ‘He has to eat, right?’ IKNL has developed the e-learning Dealing with the psychosocial consequences of the inability to eat for nurses. This e-learning focuses on:

Informing about and raising awareness of the psychosocial problems surrounding the inability to eat. Conversation techniques for entering into a conversation about this with the patient and relative. Timely identification of the need for psychosocial support in case of problems with eating. Referring to supportive care through, among other things, the Cancer Referral Guide.

The e-learning is available free of charge on the websitevoedingenkankerinfo.nl. For nurses, 1 accreditation point has been awarded in the Quality Register of Nursing & Caregivers. For dieticians, accreditation has been awarded by ADAP, the quality register for paramedics.
The e-learning was developed with a subsidy from the Zorg Instituut Nederland. The e-learning has been realized with the cooperation of:

the patient organizations Hematon, HEAD-NECK and Lung Cancer Netherlands canker.nl nutritionenkankerinfo.nl National Working Group Dieticians Oncology (LWDO) Nurses & Caregivers Netherlands (V&VN).

Read more about the e-learning Dealing with the psychosocial consequences of the inability to eat in the news item

More information

The e-learnings and masterclasses (with the exception of the e-learning Dealing with the psychosocial consequences of the inability to eat) are V&V accredited and registered in the quality register. For more information about the e-learning programs, costs and registration, see the website of Noordhoff Health. And for more information about the master classes, costs and registration, see the Vestalia website.

The psychosocial care training offer was established with financial support from the National Health Care Institute and funds from the Ingeborg Douwes Foundation, made available by the Dutch Association for Psychosocial Oncology (NVPO). The e-learning Exercise for cancer was created with money from the Dutch Cancer Society.

Cancer and Life Congress

Every year, the Cancer Survivorship Taskforce organizes the Cancer and Life conference (previously the Cancer Survivorship Symposium) for healthcare professionals, researchers, policy makers and patient representatives. This congress focuses on a good quality of life during and after cancer treatment. In addition to a plenary part in which current themes are reviewed, important issues are explored in depth in the work sessions.

NVPO Congress

The Dutch Association for Psychosocial Oncology (NVPO) has been organizing an annual conference for healthcare providers, researchers, policy makers and patient representatives for more than 25 years. With this congress, they would like to keep you informed of the latest developments in psychosocial oncology. Every year they do this around a specific theme.

More information

For more information about training and conferences, please contact Miranda Velthuis

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